Page 45 of The Dark Side
"You were busy."
Alexei didn't believe him. Why wouldn't Adrik involve him in who was teaching his niece?"Does she even know Russian?"
"Ask Gil."
Alexei sneered."I understand you were grateful, but she is not material for this family."
Adrik was getting aggravated with the questions, and he met his brother's gaze."She nearly got killed saving my daughter. That is enough."
Yakov said from behind his newspaper,"Do not question your brother."
Alexei swiftly replied,"I will if I think he's being stupid."
Yakov laid the paper on the table and met his son's gaze."Why do you worry so much?"
"She's not the kind of person we have here. If she goes missing, people will take notice."
Adrik popped a grape in his mouth."She will not go missing."
"Until you scare her, and she runs away. Then I'd have to kill her."
"Why am I scaring her?"
"You're an ass to people."
"Some people,"Adrik specified.
"Most people,"Alexei corrected.
Adrik held up a finger."But not all."
Alexei rolled his eyes. He glanced at Jolie and noticed her struggling to understand. He switched to English. "Sorry, family discussion. Nothing about you." She smiled sweetly and nodded. Alexei switched to Russian, muttering,"God, she's like a mouse."
"Certainly dresses like it,"Katia nipped.
"She's a teacher,"Adrik replied."Not a call girl."
"It is questionable,"Yakov added."If you were so grateful, why not give her a few thousand? It is probably more than she's seen in her whole life."
Adrik rubbed his mouth with a napkin, slapping it down on his food before he leaned back."I didn't think we were in the business of insulting people who did us a favor. And by favor, I mean saving your grandchild from being riddled with bullets."
There was quiet after that, and Alexei kept his head bowed. He always knew when Adrik had been pushed too far. But what confused him was why Adrik felt as strongly as he did. There have been people in the past who accidentally got caught in their lifestyle and suffered because of them. They were paid extraordinary amounts for it but never brought to the house.
Yakov sipped his coffee."Whatever you see fit."
"Thank you."Adrik glanced toward his brother. He hadn’t thought Alexei would put up such a fight. What did it matter who he hired?
"This is a big mistake,"Alexei muttered, unwilling to let it go so easily."What makes you think she won't report anything she sees to the police?"
"I made her sign a non-disclosure agreement. If she talks, nothing she says will be admissible in court. And once again, Agent Mally will lose."
Yakov cackled, saluting."She will always lose. But just to be safe, no company conversations around the teacher."
Adrik was annoyed by the insinuation."She doesn't speak Russian."
Katia interjected,"You suddenly know so much about her. You aren't sleeping with her, are you?"
The three men turned their attention to her like a spotlight. But Katia wouldn't cave from the intensity. She was smug, as if she had caught him in the biggest lie right in front of his father. Despite how much he claimed 'gratefulness,' there was nothing that Adrik was grateful for. He believed God started the day for him. His ego was brighter than the sun. And if she could crack him, just a splinter, she'd regain all the confidence he destroyed in her.