Page 6 of One Drink
I took a deep breath and clenched my fingers around Belle’s leash. “How did you know Mom was the one?”
“The moment I laid my eyes on her, I just knew.” I could hear his smile come through his words.
“But how? What was it that made you decide right then and there that she was the one?”
“It was a feeling. Something inside me stirred, a part of me that I think up until that moment had been asleep. I took one look at her, and I knew I’d spend the rest of my life worshiping the ground she walked on.”
“A feeling?” Was that really all it took?
“Yes, and the more I got to know your mother, the more I loved her. Love isn’t easy to explain. But when you fall in love, you’ll know it. Your heart will pound so loudly in your ears you can’t hear, and your damn lungs will forget how to breathe. Every time she’s near, you’ll smile, even if you’re in a bad mood. Love is a feeling that can’t be explained easily with words. But trust me, you’ll know it when it hits you.”
Shit, I had it bad then. Dad just describe my last ten years with Stephanie. “Was Mom’s reaction to you the same?”
“I asked her that once and she described something similar, but if I hadn’t acted on my feelings, we never would’ve been.”
“What do you mean?”
“While some people are strong enough to take what they want, even a man or woman they’ve fallen for, some will need encouragement and reassurance that your feelings are mutual. If there’s a young lady in your life, I suggest you tell her how you feel. Otherwise, she may never act on her feelings, and you’ll lose out on your chance with her.”
“Thanks, Dad. You’ve given me a lot to think about.”
“I’m always here for you, Jake. Just remember to respect her, no matter how she reacts.”
“I will.” I respected Stephanie more than almost anyone else in my life. Now I just had to make sure she knew that. “Can’t wait to see you when you get in town.”
“You too. Enjoy your Saturday.”
We said our goodbyes, and I stared at my phone. Belle curled up at my feet while I talked to Dad. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing slowed. I hated to wake the poor girl up, especially after leaving her alone all night without her evening walk. But no matter my mistakes, this girl loved me.
I leaned down and rubbed behind her ears. “Come on, girl. Let’s go home.”
She jumped to her feet and licked my hand, happy to have my attention once again. Dad’s words replayed through my mind on our walk home. He made it sound so easy, but I knew better. Showing Stephanie how much I cared for her might take some effort, but I was determined to figure it out.