Page 24 of Charm Me
“Yeah, I’m done.” When I looked up Zoe was watching me but quickly diverted her eyes toward the lake.
“You up for a walk? I love the hiking trails along the lake. They’re my favorite.”
I wadded my napkin up and tossed it into the bag from my lunch. “Lead the way.”
We packed up the trash from lunch and headed down to the dock not far from the picnic area. It was a long dock with multiple cleats for small boats, canoes, or kayaks to tie off and enjoy the area.
“We put this dock in for Grady’s tours and our guests who rent from him. The cabins over there each have their own docks as well. Adding this really boosted customer appeal. People love the water. If you have a way to make use of the waterways on your property, I’ve no doubt it will increase business.”
All I could do was shake my head. I no longer wanted to talk about business. I was sold on the idea. I’d seen enough and didn’t need to see anymore to make my decision. I think I’d made a decision long before the plane left Manhattan on Tuesday. I was just too damn stubborn to admit it.
This woman mesmerized me, and I would do anything to spend more time with her. But first I needed to fix the awkwardness I created.
We walked in silence for several minutes through a shaded winding trail with a beautiful view of the lake. They weren’t the mountain views I loved so much, in fact, this area was rather flat compared to where I grew up in Montana. But the sun glistening off the lake sparkled like the crystals on my mom’s chandelier, and the expanse of green was brighter than any natural green back home. It was beautiful, and I could see why Zoe loved it so much.
Now that the sun had burned off most of the morning moisture, it had turned out to be a nice day. It was still hotter than I was used to but not nearly as humid as it was this morning. The trail opened up to a sandy beach area and the warmth of the sun hit me like a flame.
It wasn’t a very big beach, maybe only a hundred feet wide with trees on either side and the view of the pastures behind it.
“This is one of the places I’d sneak off to with my friends when I was young. I’d steal the keys to the four-wheelers, and we’d come out here to swim, drink, and all sorts of other things teenagers had no business doing. Momma and Daddy never found us. If they knew we were here, they left us to it.” The memory brought a smile to Zoe’s face and I couldn’t stop myself from brushing a stray hair behind her ear. She met my stare and her breathing quickened. Her pale blue eyes darkened, and her soft pink lips were begging to be kissed.
The moment to apologize for my behavior last night finally felt right. “I’m sorry I was so distant last night after dinner.”
She shook her head like she was brushing it off. “You don’t owe me an apology.”
She started to step away, and I reached for her arm. As soon as I made contact with her, my foot slipped out from underneath me. I tried to regain my balance, but my other foot bounced and then slipped on whatever it was that caused my first foot to slip. Zoe grabbed hold of my arms in an attempt to stop me from falling over but only managed to fall with me. In a split second, I was on my back with Zoe’s chest pressed against mine.
“What the hell?” I had no idea what had happened, but I very much liked the feel of Zoe on top of me. I looked up to see her darkened eyes looking down at me with a huge grin on her face.
“I think you slipped on some cow shit.” She chuckled and the movement of her chest against mine went straight to my cock. If she didn’t stop laughing, like now, she’d feel the growth of my hardened length.
I should have moved to get up and help her back to her feet, but instead I placed my hand on the small of her back. She gasped and her grin faded.
“Zoe.” But before I could say more, her mouth was on mine. She kissed me deeply and furiously. It wasn’t a soft exploratory kiss like I’d expect from someone who was still apprehensive about entering into an intimate relationship with me. It was intense, demanding, and left every part of me that she touched burning with fire.
She pulled her lips from mine and my heart started to beat faster when she bit her bottom lip.
“Damn woman. You have got to be the only woman I’ve ever met that would kiss a man after he pulled her into a pile of cow shit.”
She let out a laugh that caused her entire body to shake and it didn’t do the growing problem between my legs any favors. “Well, what can I say. It was an unavoidable moment of weakness.”
If this was the result of a moment of weakness, she needed to have more of them. Because that kiss was amazing and I’d gladly welcome more of them. Preferably without the involvement of cow shit.
“Come on. We better clean up as best we can and head back. No way I can have dinner with your parents smellin’ like we rolled around in the pasture.”
“But what if I’m not done kissing you.” She pouted.
My body tensed. I slid my hand up her back and grasped the base of her neck. That seemingly simple movement put a sparkle in her eyes and a hitch in her breath.
“Are you saying you’ve changed your mind?” My voice was low and husky.
She raised a brow. “What do you mean?”
I swallowed and it got stuck in the back of my throat. I cleared my throat, but my voice still shook as the next words came out. “You said nothing could happen between us. Have you changed your mind?”
Her pupils dilated even more, and I felt the rapid rise and fall of her chest. “Dammit Wyatt. Just kiss me.”
I threaded my fingers into her hair and tugged her toward me, reclaiming her lips.
Her lips parted and I took full advantage, sliding my tongue against hers. This kiss was everything I’d imagined it would be—hungry, hot, hard. The desire that had been eating away at me quickly turned to lustful need and I wanted everything from her.
Her mouth moved over mine with such demand and an eagerness that made me growl. The low rumble from my throat made my chest vibrate and every muscle in my body clenched at once. She tasted like every sinful pleasure imaginable, and fuck me, I didn’t ever want to stop kissing her.