Page 25 of Charm Me
Chapter 11
Wyatt handed me theplate to dry before he drained the sink and squeezed the sponge out.
“I think that’s it.” He smiled as he dried his hands.
“I’m not sure I could ever get used to you washing dishes in my parents’ house. Something about it just seems, I don’t know. Wrong.”
He chuckled, and as soon as I finished drying the plate and sat it down, he slipped his arm around me. He pulled me close and kissed me soft and gentle.
“Why is that? You don’t think a man like me can wash dishes?” He kissed my lips, chin, along my jawline, and down my neck.
I moaned and was momentarily at a loss for words. This was the first time he’d kissed me since our tumble by the lake and it felt so damn good. Tonight had gone very different than last night. Whatever awkwardness I felt before was now gone and the last thing I wanted to do was say goodnight to him.
Breathless, I struggled to get the next words out. “I imagine you are a man of many talents.”
He growled against my neck before he released me. “Tomorrow is another long day. We’d better get some sleep.”
He reached for my hand and we walked side-by-side up the stairs.
We stopped outside my bedroom door and for the first time in my life, I didn’t know how to act. I’d never been one to shy away from taking the things I wanted, but Wyatt wasn’t like any man I’d ever considered. My body reacted to him in ways that left me trembling in my shoes and took away my ability to think.
Wyatt stepped close and I leaned against my door. He towered over me, his stature powerful and somewhat intimidating, but I didn’t let that stop me from standing my ground. I wanted this man and I wasn’t afraid to admit it.
He slipped his arm around my waist and tugged me close to him. With his other hand he cupped the back of my neck and tilted my head toward his. His lips descended onto mine and the moment his kiss touched me a faint whimper escaped my lips. His kiss was slow and passionate. I lifted myself up on my tiptoes desperate to bring myself closer to him and he deepened the kiss.
The taste of him, the softness of his lips eagerly moving over my mouth, took me back to the first time he kissed me sitting in the pastry shop. The rush of adrenaline combined with the intense pressure building at my core drove me closer to him. I was hungry for all of him.
I loved the guttural sounds he made and the way his chest vibrated against me. Nothing had ever felt more right.
Then he stopped. I was more than a little disappointed when he broke our kiss and stepped back, leaving me panting against my bedroom door.
The air between us was charged with desire and lust. I instantly missed the warmth of his body heat, the feel of his strong hand clasped around my neck, and his lips on mine.
My eyes met his, trying to read what he was thinking but I came up empty.
“Goodnight, puits d’amour,” he said, breathless. His fingers touched my lips before he turned and walked away.
I dropped my head back on the door and sighed. He was leaving and this was my last chance to tell him what I wanted. If I didn’t say something, anything, he’d be gone. Was I ready for that?
I told him nothing could happen between us and I meant that when I said it. He was just some hot cowboy that knew just how to get me all riled up. He called me sexy French names in his throaty deep voice that hit me hard in my core. The touch of his hands whispered all sorts of dirty, sexy things to my body without even having to say a word. But most importantly, he was going back to Montana in a couple of days and I’d never see him again.
Not giving into my desire to take this man to bed was the smart move. There was too much potential for me to get hurt.
So I’d told him no.
And now I regretted it.
That was before I knew he was kind, generous, and funny under that rough, tough guy exterior he presented. I sensed there was so much more than raw chemistry between us, and I wanted to explore what that was.
There was only one thing left for me to do. It was reckless, but I no longer cared.
“Wyatt.” His name was a shadow on my lips, but it was enough to get him to stop.
“Yes.” When he turned around, I gasped at the heat in his eyes. It was intense and he didn’t need to say anything for me to know he wanted me just as desperately as I wanted him.
“Stay with me tonight.”