Page 9 of Stuck Together
Seeing him this morning had been bad enough. Seeing him everyday through glass walls just might kill me.
My body betrayed me and reacted to him in ways I didn’t expect. By the time Althea and I left, I was aching with need. It was a combination of equal parts anger and desire. I was still angry with him for how he vanished more than fifteen years ago, and yet I still desired his touch the same as I did that last night we were together. When his eyes roamed down my body, searing heat followed. And when I shook his hand, a jolt of electricity shot through me.
He was just as handsome as ever, maybe even more so. His features were sharper, more manly than I remembered from when we were teenagers. His chest had filled out and if the rest of his body looked anything like the chiseled muscles of his forearms, he was rock hard all over. He wore his blond hair shorter than he did in high school with a short, scruffy beard. But it was his eyes that did me in. His bright lapis blue eyes bore right through me when he looked at me.
He was a man whose appearance begged to be looked at and brought every Thor fantasy to life.
Now, I’d have to see him almost every day. With any luck, he’d continue to work in the bar downstairs like Althea said he did so often. Then, I wouldn’t have to worry about keeping my eyes off him.
I could only hope.
Because if I had to look at his sexy body in those dress pants and how they fit snug around his tight ass, I’d spend my time at my desk in a puddle. My panties were wet just thinking about him.
This was not how I envisioned this opportunity if I got this job.
I was supposed to be a damn copywriter, not an associate advertising executive.
Granted, I was much more qualified to be the advertising executive, and I was pleased Althea was able to see that from my resume. But I wasn't sure I could do it under the circumstances. Being in such close proximity to Logan would not be easy. Especially with the way he acted today when he saw me. This had nightmare written all over it.
He wasn't happy his grandmother hired me. In fact, I'd say he looked downright disgusted to see me. I wasn't exactly expecting a cheery reunion, but I didn't expect to see disgust in his expression.
But I needed a job, so I accepted it.
I didn't really have a choice.
This was my last chance, and if I didn't make this work, everything I'd worked for since graduation would have been for nothing.
So, I would make it work. I was strong and could deal with Logan. People always treated me like I was weak and incapable of taking care of myself. Like I was some damsel in distress that constantly needed help.
I didn't know what it was about me that made people think I was incapable of taking care of myself. Maybe that was why my old boss hit on me the way he did. My grandma said it was because I was too good and kind. That my nice demeanor gave people the impression they could take advantage of me.
Well, I was tired of it and ready to prove everyone otherwise. I may be nice, but I was more than capable of standing up for myself.
Either way, I refused to let Logan get to me.
I opened the door to my apartment, glad to finally be home.
“Where have you been?” I’d barely made it through the door before my roommate, Emma, called out.
I lived in a three bedroom walk up with my best friend from college, Emma, and Kendra. We met Kendra through a roommate match service when we first moved the city almost ten years ago. We all hit it off and have been roommates and best friends ever since.
I was surprised by to see them here already. They rarely beat me home, especially since I hadn’t been working. “I told you I had that interview today.”
“Yeah, but that was hours ago. I expected you home by now.” Emma rushed to my side and gave me a cautious look. “Did it go well? You look ... unhappy.”
“How many times do I have to tell you, she’s unhappy because she needs some dick.” Kendra yelled out from the kitchen. I loved Kendra but she could be a little crude sometimes. She was very open about her sexuality and her need for orgasms.
I grumbled and hung my coat by the door. I hated how easy it was to read me. No matter how hard I tried, I could never hide my emotions. Anyone could tell if I was happy, sad, angry, or whatever other emotion that had consumed in that moment. Sadly, I was an open book. “I don’t need any dick.”
“Remind me again. When was the last time you dated?” Kendra shot me a pointed stare. I also hated that she knew I hadn’t been with a man in years. Yes, years. I didn’t date much. Or ever. I broke up with my last boyfriend sometime in my late twenties. And since I didn’t sleep around or do one-night stands, I hadn’t had sex in a long time.
“Enough about her sex life. I want—”
“What sex life?” Kendra laughed.
“Stop it.” Emma put her hands on her hips, taking her typical motherly stance when Kendra started acting up. Which was almost always. “I want to know how the interview went.”
I pushed past her and fell onto the couch with a sigh. “Well, it must’ve gone all right. I got the job.”