Page 18 of Masked & Mine
Speaking of the devil, and I don’t mean the one in front of me either, Marcello walks up beside me. Igo to open my mouth to introduce Mack and Mar, but before I can, he barks out. “Marfa. What the hell are you doing in my fucking club?” His hand goes to the Glock in his waistband. She snaps her head around, and when her eyes land on Marcello, she’s immediately pissed off.
My stomach falls out of my ass onto the floor. How the fuck does he know her? The hand on the gun? My protective guard goes up immediately, so I step in front of her slightly.
“Marcello, hello. How are you tonight?” Reaching out a hand for him to shake. He takes a glance at my hand, his eyes finding Mar’s again. The look of pure hatred in his eyes.
“You know, any Russian under your father’s thumb cannot be in any business of mine,” He spits. Mack is completely lost right now. I’m honestly right there with him. “Let alone his flesh and blood,” He sneers in disgust.
So, Mar’s dad and Marcello don’t get along… Why does that involve Mar, though?
“Someone, please fill me in,” Mack pleads. He leans in loud enough for all of us to hear, but whispers, “Mar, he looks scary as fuck.” She puts up her hand to silence him.
“You know I’m not an Abdulov anymore. Why’d you get your guard dog to fire me? He owns the place. I didn’t know he took orders like a whippedbitch. Were you too afraid to confront me yourself?” How the fuck is she not shitting herself talking to him like this? Marcello is a scary fucking man. He always looks one minor inconvenience away from taking his Glock out of his waistband, ready to blow your brains out. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of that.Ever.
“Because you should have never been working at Sins.” Marcello doesn’t own Sins, but he has all the power over this city and well beyond. I don’t know who they’re referring to. I remember the owner chatting with me once about maybe taking over his marketing for Sins. Nothing ever came of it, though.
It would be cool as fuck to have a sex club in my marketing portfolio. I need to figure out why he let Mar go, though. I could tell it hurt her to lose that job when she was telling us about it earlier today. That conversation feels like a lifetime ago, but it’s only been hours.
“I got the job there, fair and square. I didn’t know Vincent was your paid psycho Italian killer,” She spits out in disgust.
Vincent. I remember shaking his hand in a couple of meetings with Marcello, but I’m clearly not immersed in the mafia side of his business. He was always standing there, begging for someone to do something stupid.
“We’ve had some big issues with your piece of shit, father. I’m not going to risk Vincent employing you and having insider information. Anything that threatens someone I care about, you’re immediately out, if not dead.” I don’t miss that threat.
“You know I hate my dad. I would never side with that man.” She almost sounds hurt.
“That’s your blood. I don’t care how much you say you hate him. He could hold something over your head. You know he would do that. He’s slimy. You’re not going to have access to anything Italian-owned. End of discussion.”
I’m just watching back and forth, waiting for the next thing to be spit out.
“So your dad is the head of the Russian mafia?” Mack asks, still not understanding that this is not the time or place in front of Marcello and in his club at that. I do not want to be on that kill list, no thank you. I hit Mack in the stomach, and look at him with the most “please shut the fuck up” eyes I can muster.
Marcello finally looks over at me. “Percy, nice to see you here.”
“I would say the same, but you’re treating Mar like a piece of trash.” Fuck, I can’t believe I just said that to him.
“You’ll watch your mouth,” Marcello grits out.
“No, he won’t.”
‘‘Mar, it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. He’s going to learn that not everyone bows down to him.”
“They do, though,” I say back to her. I’m really not trying to start shit.
“He’s a client of mine. We’ve known each other for a couple of years.”
“Okay, even more reason for him to not be all high and mighty with you. It’s distasteful, Marcello. Now apologize.” He’s squeezing his fist so hard that it’s turning white.
I don’t think he’s going to, but to my surprise, he lets out a gritted, “I’m sorry, Percy.” With that, I throw my whole drink back. I’m over this wild shit.
“You’ve all got about three songs, and I don’t want to see you in my club anymore,” He exclaimed while looking right at Mar.
??1 Not wasting any more time, we head out to the dance floor. We have Mar between us, and her hands are roaming all over Mack while she’s grinding and rubbing her ass all over my cock. Damn, with her moving like this, it makes me want to pull her dress up in the middle of this dance floor. I know she came out without any panties on. This is what these two wanted to do tonight—shake their asses. Well, I hope they’re havinga good time.
That’s the last thought I have before everything goes black.
1. Buy U a Drank (Shawty Snappin’) (feat. Yung Joc) - T-Pain, Yung Joc