Page 19 of Masked & Mine
Chapter eight
Igrunted, picking up Percy, then threw him over my shoulder. He was just about to be laid out on the dance floor, but I caught him right as I saw his eyes rolling back into his head. “You better be glad I hit the gym every day,” I say, smirking at Mar. I can’t believe we’re doing this right now. Mar would have croaked if she had seen me googling the risks and things to look out for when giving someone Rohypnol. We literally just roofied my boyfriend. What the fuck? I mean, he wanted this, but it still feels so wrong.
Daddy gets what Daddy wants.So does Mar at this point.
I should probably be worried that she knew exactly where to get the drug to do this, but Percy’s getting to live out his fantasy. Who am Ito ask questions? I didn’t think she was still going to go through with it after the run-in with the scary mafia man.
Setting him down in the back of an Uber. The driver looks like he wants to ask questions.
“He had a little too much fun tonight.” I assure the driver.
It would be a different story if it were Mar, being the one who passed the fuck out, but she’s bright-eyed and ready to go. I think this might be a fantasy of hers too, given the way she’s acting. Giddier than I’ve ever seen this woman.
Getting Percy into the house is a task. I put him on the couch and slip his shirt off while I sit him up. Then, I slowly lay him down and turn around to get the cameras set up. We’re just filming this one, not live streaming it. It would be reported, especially with him not being coherent and all. We’re probably going to have to put a clip at the beginning of the video of Percy giving his consent, along with five hundred triggers. I know a lot of people have this kind of fantasy, though, so I don’t yuck someone’s yum. Maybe not getting drugged, but the rape fantasies are for sure a thing. With Mar working at the sex club, I’m sure she has seen and heard about this shit all the time. Now that I think of it, that’s probably why she was all about this.
Percy had mentioned earlier that this fantasy was the ultimate version of him giving up his control.Which makes total sense now, but it still seems wild to me. I catch myself checking on him every couple of seconds to make sure he’s still breathing. He is totally fine; he even looks kind of peaceful.
I really don’t know how we’re going to do this. I wonder if Percy is even going to be able to get his cock hard while being knocked the fuck out.
Guess we’ll see.
1??Mar walks in, looking more devilish than ever. I let out a whistle and shoot her a wink as we lock eyes. Fuck, I haven’t felt like this over a woman in a minute. She makes my stomach flip.
“Is everything ready? I wouldn’t even know where to start with setting all this shit up. Your entire setup is way more intricate than mine is,” she says. This has me wondering what hers is like and if she has everything she needs. I want to take care of her. I want to keep her, but Percy specifically told me that we couldn’t get attached to her. I think he meant that just for me. But I haven’t missed the way he looks at her.Might be too late for that, especially after tonight.
“Yes, everything is ready to go. I just have to get my mask on.” She walks up to me, reaches out, wraps a hand around my neck, and pulls me down to her lips. I’m grinning so hard. I love being choked,but she’s not applying a ton of pressure; she’s just holding me in place for now.
She teases me as she hovers over my lips, brushing hers along mine, saying, “Even though you two are so pretty without your masks on, fuck me if I don’t get wet when you put them and the slutty little outfits on. What do you like about being choked,Luchik?”
My cock jumps in my pants. I’m smiling and bobbing my head up and down.
“I’ll keep that in mind. If you’re a good boy tonight.” I love her dirty talk so much. I know Percy does, too. “Put his mask on too while you’re at it. I wonder if they’re going to know he’s out of it in the beginning,” Mar states while her eyes roam over his naked stomach and chest. He looks edible. I didn’t think I had a somnophilia kink, but here I am, with my cock straining against my zipper. I don’t really know if it’s Mar’s hand necklace or if seeing Percy like this is doing it to me.
I say, thinking out loud. “I’m sure they’ll figure it out pretty quick. It feels weird not doing this one live.” We have some smart subscribers. I think they’ll catch on quickly. I can’t wait to hear what they have to say about this soon-to-be pay-per-view. We don’t have a ton of details worked out in this deal, like how much we’re charging and how it’s being split.Nothing, but is that stopping us? Nope. I’m just glad Mar is along for this wild ride we all agreed to.
Leaning down and picking up the back of Percy’s head, I slide his mask on. I whisper into Percy’s ear, “You’re getting exactly what you want, aren’t you, Daddy?”
I swear, I see his cock jump in his slacks. I throw my mask on, too.
“So, I researched this. It pretty much says he can stay hard as long as he’s dreaming or remembering previous sexual experiences,” Mar says with the straightest face, like this is a casual conversation.
“Okay, so what do we have to do?” This is the craziest thing I’ve ever done.
“Pretty much the more dirty talk, the better. It’s going to put him in that headspace of having sexual things happen to him. We need to get that fat cock of his rock hard and up, then keep it that way.”
We both look down at the same time. His cock’s straining his pants even more.
“Well, that was easier than I thought it was going to be,” I chuckle.
“You two don’t have any weed lying around, do you? I like to smoke a little before; it makes the orgasms even better, and the creativity to fuck with you all flows even more than it already is.” Mar asks.
“Of course we do. What do you take us for, prudes?” I run and grab a blunt out of my side drawerinside my nightstand. Pulling my mask up over my head where it’s just sitting on top of my head, light it, and inhale while walking back into the living room. I hand it over to Mar with a smirk. “Why didn’t you tell us before that you liked to smoke?”
“I don’t like getting judgment about it, so I usually keep it to myself until I know I can trust the person.” Her trusting us shouldn’t make my stomach flip out of excitement, but it does.She trusts us.I’m smiling like a fool, and she’s looking at me like I am one.