Page 85 of Forever Found
The sound of a woman’s voice, followed by a soft giggle had me startling awake and looking all around me. I was in the cage again, and the dried blood on the cold, metal base beneath me reminded me of the ‘session’ I had been in the horrors of when I blacked out. I didn’t know how long ago that was, but my shoulders were agony from being bound to the large hook in the ceiling of the torture chamber Hilton called his ‘playroom.’
I pushed myself up to sitting as the sound of the woman’s voice somewhere close by continued.
“No, it’s totally fine. I’m gonna raid my dad’s wine cellar. He won’t even notice. He has a ton of unopened bottles down here. Is Tony still coming?” the soft voice chattered, sounding happy and excited about something.
I had never heard a voice other than Hilton’s, and my own screams and my begging for him to stop, since the day I had been dragged down there. Now here was this girl – Hilton’s daughter maybe? It was my one and only chance for escape I told myself.
“HELP!” I screamed with everything in me. My throat was raw from screaming and crying as Hilton tortured me hours earlier, but my determination pushed the sound out of me, andI rattled the cage hard too, making a ton of noise she had to be able to hear if I could hear her as well as I could.
“Who’s there?” I heard her call hesitantly.
“IN HERE! PLEASE, YOU H-HAVE TO HELP ME!” I wailed with two years’ worth of desperation. That was how long I had been taken, or so I thought from the count I had tried to keep on the days that had passed. The last year had been spent in this cage and with the monster who had bought me from the auction – Hilton. He had truly shown me the meaning of the word suffering in the time he held me.
I couldn’t hear if the girl was coming closer, because I was rattling the cage constantly in the hope it would bring her to wherever I was hidden, somewhere in the basement of my monster’s house.
The door to the small room I was in was tentatively pushed open, and a girl, who looked to be a teenager, stepped in and looked to where I was chained in the cage, with utter horror.
“What the fuck?” she gasped as she slammed both of her hands over her mouth.
“Please get me out of here,” I pleaded. I knew the terrifying sight I had to be to her. I was completely naked, chained at my wrists and ankles to short restraints at the corners of the cage. My back was covered in marks from Hilton’s whip, some of which I could feel were now bleeding again with the movements I had made. I hadn’t washed in days and I knew I was a mess of old dried blood, tear tracks and so much more filth and depravity.
“W-who are you?” she whispered as she lowered her hands enough to speak, but remained rooted to the spot she stood in.
“Addy…m-my name’s Addy. I…I was kidnapped. I need to get out of here. Please help me. Please!” I cried as tears ran down my cheeks.
“Who did that to you?”
“A man…he bought me at an auction after I was kidnapped. He hurt me…and he raped me. His n-name is Hilton,” I hurried to explain, terrified she’d just close the door and run away.
“Hilton?” she whimpered. “My dad? My d-dad…he did this to you. He ch-chained you up like that?”
“If this is your dad’s house, then yes, he did this to me. He bought me as a sex slave from an auction.”
“How long?”
“I’ve been here a year at least. M-maybe longer. Do you live here?” I asked her as I tried to calm myself enough not to terrify her further.
“N-no. My dad and I…we don’t get along. I live with my mom. I just…I came to take some wine for a party. I never….I didn’t think he’d do this.”
“I’m so sorry you have to find out like this, but I need help. If you don’t help me escape, he’ll kill me one day. I’ll die here. Please can you help me? Please?” I begged.
“I knew my dad was an asshole, but this….this is sick,” she cried as she slammed a hand over her face again like she might vomit.
“What’s your name?” I asked her.
“Libby.” Her eyes met mine and they were filled with tears, her hands shaking at her sides. “How do I get you out?”
“There’s a keypad. Do you have any idea what the code would be?” I asked, trying to keep my calm, but my heart was racing and adrenaline was surging through my body at the idea of having an opportunity to escape.
“Maybe. He has the same six digit codes for his security alarm on the house and for the entry panel out front. Do you think it could be that here too?” she asked shakily.
“Tell me what it is,” I whispered as I moved to a crouching position I knew I could reach the keypad from. It wasn’t like I hadn’t tried a million combinations in the damned thing before in my effort to get out.
“0-8-0-9-6-8. His birthday,” she recited as she stepped a little closer. I tapped the number into the keypad, feeling for the buttons since it was above me so I couldn’t see it. When the code was followed by a beep and the sound of the lock releasing, I cried out in relief and fear in equal measure. Now I had to get out of the cage and out of this damned house before Hilton came back.
“It worked?” Libby squeaked tearfully.
“It worked. Now I need something to cut the locks on these chains. Do you know if there are tools down here? We need bolt cutters or something like that?” I asked as calmly as I could.