Page 92 of Forever Found
He returned to my bed quickly and I found myself laid on top of him, his arms banded around me and holding me protectively, the comforter keeping us both warm.
“How are you feeling?” Adam asked after several moments of peaceful silence between us.
“Really good right now,” I told him easily.
“And when this sex high wears off soon?” he pushed.
“I’m doing better, Ad,” I told him as I rested my head on my clasped hands and looked up into his eyes. “I mean, nothing is magically fixed and I know I have a long way to go, but today has been easier than the couple of days before it. Maybe tomorrow I’ll wake up and be a mess again, but I hope not. I have my sessions with Laura every day and the pills. Hopefully, it will all help me to find the quiet up here that I need to find my next steps forward,” I explained as I tapped my head.
“You’ve got all of us too, baby. You don’t have to face anything alone ever again. Kane, Jord, and I love you more than we can ever tell you, and your brothers would do anything to care for and protect you. Whatever you decide those next steps forwards are, you won’t be taking them alone.”
“I just wish I could be more whole for you all. I hate how weak all of this has made me. I’m a mess,” I sighed tiredly.
“Addy, people can fall apart after one scary event in their life. Being mugged, or their home broken into. Something as simple as that can have people scared to leave their homes, and seeking therapy and drugs. Those people faced true fear once and it rocked their whole lives. You faced true terror for two whole years and a ton of times since too. You didn’t just have your life rocked, you had it ripped from underneath you and torn to shreds, but you survived. You worked to get over all of the flashbacks and nightmares. You tried to overcome what had happened to you and the terror it caused, and you still are. Do you realize the strength you have to have inside to do that, or even just to want to? You’re a super hero, honey, and I won’t accept anything less,” he said firmly.
“The way you all believe in me, makes me feel stronger,” I told him as I lifted up and pressed my lips over his, but I pulled away quickly when a loud bang shook the windows of my room slightly. “What was that?” I asked as I looked to Adam with fear.
“I don’t know. Stay here,” he told me as he rolled from under me and got to his feet in one fast movement. He went to the window and pulled up the blind so he could look out into the darkness, just as another bang shook the windows again.
“Fuck!” he roared as he reared back from the window and ducked slightly.
“What is it?” I cried.
“Someone’s throwing petrol bombs at the house from the gate. Well, four someone’s,” he clarified, but I wished he hadn’t.
“The others!” I cried, but Adam had already raced around the bed and had his cell in hand. He pressed a few buttons and a blaring alarm rang out through the house.
“If they’re not awake already, they will be now. Kane will be alerted and the security team too,” he told me as he started to pull on his jeans without even bothering with underwear. I just sat on the bed shaking and staring at him.
“They came for me, didn’t they?” I asked shakily.
“Doesn’t matter. They’re not getting to you. Get dressed for me, Addy,” he told me as he pulled his shirt over his head.
“Yeah,” I nodded as I forced myself to move. I didn’t want to be killed while I was stark naked. Better to be dressed.
“Addy?!” My bedroom door was thrown open and I didn’t even try to cover myself as I froze in terror. Jordan burst in, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, his sneakers on his feet.
“Jordan?” I squeaked as I took him in. He raced over to me and wrapped me tightly in his arms.
“Help her get some clothes and shoes on, bro. I need to grab my shoes and a gun.” Adam stopped to kiss my head before he left, but he didn’t say anything more.
“Just to be safe, princess. We only have two security guys and Kane out there right now. Asher can shoot a gun too, but better to be over prepared, right?”
“I can’t h-have them get hurt again,” I whimpered.
“Hey!” Jordan lifted my chin until my eyes met his. “No one is getting hurt. Let’s get you dressed, okay? Then we need to get downstairs to the basement level.”
“Jenny a-and Eli?”
“Kane already brought Jenny into the house and put her down stairs in the gym. Eli is with her. Ash and Kane are scoping out the property to see if anyone got over the fence yet.”
“Yet? Why d-does this keep happening? It’s all my fault!”
“Addy, listen to me. We don’t have time right now. We just have to focus on getting dressed, okay? I have to get you out of here and where it’s safe,” Jordan said firmly and it gave me the shake I needed.
“Yeah,” I agreed as I swiped at my tears. “Get dressed.” I walked over to my closet where I hurriedly pulled on some panties and grabbed some leggings and a sweater. Jordan was right behind me, grabbing me a pair of chucks and some socks.