Page 137 of The Scientist
“Where is Empros Pharma located?” I asked her.
I could tell from the look on her face that I’d identified the problem. “It’s in Sweden.”
My palms suddenly felt clammy. “Sweden?” I repeated. My thoughts were racing, and the anxiety started to build as I considered what that would mean for us. But… hadn’t she just said Lex didn’t want to take it?
“I know what you guys have, and I’m not trying to ruin it, I swear,” she said.
“Sure you’re not,” Stuart grumbled.
“I know that’s why he doesn’t want to go, but you have to understand what this would mean for the whole team. This would be the best shot we’d have at a Nobel Prize for our work. The rest of the guys have been trying to talk some sense into him, to tell him that this is exactly what we’ve been working for all these years, but he won’t listen.”
“What do you want me to do?” I asked in a small voice.
“If you could just talk to him,” she suggested. “I know this doesn’t mean much coming from me, but I know you guys can make it work. We’re only talking about a year… maybe not even that long.”
“A year?!” I choked out. The current ten day separation was already killing me, and we were only a few days in. How was I supposed to handle a year?
“Maybe if you came with us…” she started, but I shook my head.
“I can’t leave,” I told her. I couldn’t leave my mom right now. Not when she was still in such a fragile state.
Stuart put his hand on my shoulder and gave Nicky a scathing look.
“Let me think about it,” I told her, already starting to walk away. I needed some space to think.
“I had to say something,” she said desperately. “You understand, right?”
I nodded, unable to speak at the moment.
“This decision doesn’t just affect Lex. It affects all of us. The company only wants to take on the project if Lex is involved,” she said. “This would change all of our lives. It would make Lex’s entire career. Everything he’s ever worked for will finally be at his fingertips. I don’t know that we’ll ever get this kind of opportunity again.”
“I’ll talk to him,” was all I could manage to say as I reached the steps of my porch.
Stuart turned on her. “Hey Nicky, in your next life, try and come back as someone actually pleasant.”
I didn’t listen to the rest of their bickering as I walked up the steps of my porch. There were too many thoughts warring in my mind. If what she was saying was true, I didn’t want to be the reason Lex wasn’t taking this opportunity. I couldn’t stomach the thought of us being apart, but would he eventually grow to resent me for being the reason he didn’t take it?
I heard Stuart walking up behind me as I unlocked the door. He followed me inside, and we sat down on the couch together.
“Was she telling the truth?” I asked.
He sighed.“Yes. It’s the biggest deal anyone in our industry’s ever been offered.”
“Do you think he should take it?”
“It’s the best opportunity we’re ever going to get,” he replied. “Lex’s career would be set… All of our careers would.”
I tried to fight back the tears as I nodded.
“But I don’t think he should take it,” he added. “And I told him as much.”
“What?” I asked, surprised.“Why?”
He shook his head. “None of the other guys understand. They didn’t see the way he was that week the two of you weren’t speaking. It would ruin him,” he answered. “He needs you, Hadley. I care about my friend more than I care about the money. I don’t want him to take it.”
I leaned my head against Stuart’s shoulder, feeling defeated. Lex couldn’t ask for a better friend than Stuart, and neither could I, for that matter.
“You want to come over? I could make us something for dinner,” he offered.