Page 17 of Just One Moment

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Page 17 of Just One Moment

I’dhappily stand here withGrahamall morning, butIknow he has somewhere to be, andIhave to get set up for theday.Theten minutesI’vespent with him have changed my mood drastically.Withlittle effort, he scared away my fury and replaced it with a belly full of butterflies.

“Youdidn’t need to apologize, but these flowers have really brightened my day.I’msure you need to get on the road, andI’vegot a batch of blondies calling my name.Didyou need anything else, or canIget you something?Ihave some fresh croissants—not sweet at all.”ThewinkIgive causes his lips to twitch.

Heturns back to the flowers, blatantly ignoring my question, and from the thoughtful look on his face,Ithink he’s searching for the right words to respond with.Heshuffles the stems around before tucking his hands into the pockets of his slacks, shoulders hunching up with the movement.Thetelltale sign that he’s uncomfortable stains the tips of his ears as his mouth opens and closes. “Thismight sound—I, um, don’t know how to…it’s fine.”

“Youcan ask me anything,”Iencourage.

“No.Honestly.ForgetIwas here.”

Unlikely, butIdon’t press him. “Okaythen.Letme get you a take-out ba?—”

“Willyou be my girlfriend!?” he all but shouts, his face a similar shade to the jar of jam beside him.


“So…is that a no to the croissant?



I’vealways loved numbers.Gofigure,I’dbecome an accountant.

Asa kid, probabilities fascinated me.

Mychance of being attacked by a bear is 1:1.2 million.

A1:15,300 chance thatI’llbe struck by lightning.

I’mwishing the odds of either of these happening were much higher right now soIwouldn’t have to stand here afterIshouted atQuinn.Thehumility of the whole encounter makes my skin crawl andIwonder ifIwalked out of here, moved towns—no, countries—and changed my identity, wouldIever stop feeling this embarrassed?

IthinkI’vebroken her.That’sbound to happen when a man you hardly know randomly asks you to be his girlfriend.

Therewas a script to follow;Boothhelped me plan it.Tellher about my predicament with the wedding, ask her to go on a few platonic dates, and offer to balance her books free of charge and put in a good word with the new owner.Easy.

False.BecauseI’mhard-wired to say the wrong thing.

“Quinn?”Itake a cautious step toward her.

Sheblinks a few times, eyes focused on the middle of my chest, before doubling over and releasing an almighty belly laugh.Tearsstream down her face.Whenshe finally straightens with a deep inhale to catch her breath,Ifight the urge to hightail it out of here.Clearlythe idea of going out with me is hilarious.

“I’msorry.”Shewipes underneath her eyes. “Ido this thing whereIzone out sometimes and don’t catch what a person says.Icould have sworn you asked me to be your girlfriend.”

Clearingmy throat and trying not to let the resignation show,Iundo my suit jacket, only to button it up again. “Idid.”


“Isaid,Idid.Itwasn’t supposed to come out like that.Fuck,I’mnot good at…talking.It’sgood to know the idea of being with me is so ridiculous, though.”Isound harsh and bitter,Iknow it, but this is a catastrophe.

Herface falls. “Ohmy god, no.No!That’snot what had me laughing.Okay, it was, but not the idea of it.Youjust kind of word vomited it and thenIthoughtImisunderstood.Theidea of being your girlfriend…well,Idon’t know what it would be like.I’mconfused.”

Myhead falls back, andItry to remember the odds of a meteor striking me.

“Canwe sit down and do this, please?”Ibeg, eyes glued to the ceiling.

Hersmall hand closes around my wrist and pulls me toward the front of the bakery.

“Okay.”Hervoice is serious as she pushes me to sit at the same table we sat at the other day. “Whatis going on?”

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