Page 18 of Just One Moment
Sheleans forward, arms stacked on top of each other, pushing her full tits up.Icould really do without the distraction, especially as she sits there in a floral dress.It’sfuckingOctober, and yes, it’s abnormally warm today, butIthought theseason whereQuinntortures me in pretty dresses was over.It’sone of the many reasonsIfound it so hard to avoid her over the summer.Today, she’s in a pale lavender slip of a dress that falls to mid-thigh, and fucking fuck, those thighs.
Shakingaway the thoughts of her killer curves,Icut to the chase. “Firstly,Iwant to say,Idon’t go around asking just anyone this, andIdon’t need an answer now.Youcan even pretend this conversation never happened whenI’mfinished.”Ipause, hoping she changes her mind, only to continue when she raises a brow. “Idon’t know ifJoor my brothers have mentioned it.Iwas in a relationship up until lastJanuary.Wewere together for twelve years.Almostmade it to thirteen, ifIhadn’t caught her in bed with someone else.”
Asmall gasp sounds from across the table, butIkeep my eyes trained on the napkin holder. “Itended the momentIfound them together.Lookingback, it had been over for a while.Youget comfortable in relationships and overlook things you shouldn’t.Anyway…they’re getting married.Nextmonth.”
Ijump whenQuinn’shand slaps down on the table, and whenIlook up,Isee the sunshine woman is gone.Stormclouds might as well be rolling off her, she’s so angry. “I’mall for girls supporting girls.Shesounds like a real…you know what, give me her address.I’llspeak to her.”
Shejumps up, and despite never having told anyone but my brothers this story,Ifind myself laughing at her chivalry.Myfingers wrap around her arm, andIshouldn’t love the way my hand engulfs her dainty wrist asItug her back down. “Pleasedon’t go all white knight on me.Myego couldn’t take it.”
“I’msorry, carry on.”Herteeth are clenched so hard she’s close to cracking a molar.
AngryQuinnis as cute as happyQuinn.Ifnot, sexier.
“Shesent out invitations andIknewI’dget one.Mywhole family would.”
“Whattype of person invites their ex and his family to their wedding?”
Ifshe was angry before, this is going to trigger something different entirely. “Thetype of person who is also marrying my cousin.”
Quinn’snostrils flare, andI’mtempted to give herJennaandRalph’saddress just to see her roll through there like a little angry hurricane. “Longstory short,Ineed to go.I’mover her—so over her—butBooththinks this is a power play on her part.”
Sheholds up a hand, stopping me. “Wait, why do youneedto go?”
Thisis the partIwas hoping to avoid, butIcan’t lie to her. “Ralph—my cousin andJenna’sfiancé—is from my dad’s side.Mymom is really close to his parents and only my brothers know about the affair.Sayingthat,I’mpretty certain my sister has her suspicions.Anyway,IknowIshould have been honest with my mom about it all, but she was going through a difficult period at the time, and then the moment passed.Ialso don’t want to ruin what relationships she has with my dad’s only living family.It’sa lot.Iknow.”
Istudy her face, waiting to see judgment or distaste.Onlyit never comes.Angeron my behalf paints her features, plus a little empathy.
“Soyou need a date?”
“Ineed a date,”Iecho. “Idon’t get, um, get out much and, well, you’re one of the few womenIknow whoI’mnot related to.”
Hernext words shock me. “I’dlove to be your date.Iknow you have to be nice to the bride on their day, butI’ma real klutz.Redwine may splash on her dress,” she says with a wicked smile.
Ioffer her a weary one in return. “Thething is,Jennais fromSuttonBay.Shelives inAugustanow, but still has friends and family here…”
Mysentence trails off, andIhopeQuinncan piece together whatI’mimplying, soIdon’t have to repeat myself.
Nosuch luck, because she sits there patiently, waiting for me to continue, and fuck,I’mgoing to have to ask her again.
“There’staking a random date and then there’s taking my girlfriend.”
BoothandItalked through this step in the process extensively.Jennais a real stickler for rules, andIknow for a fact she’s not going to allow me to turn up with any random woman.Herfriends knowI’mnot currently seeing anyone, and they’ll report back to her the momentIput downQuinn’sname on theRSVP.
Well, if she says yes.
Shebobs her head, waiting for me to continue.Whenher head freezes mid-nod,Iknow she understands whereI’mgoing with this.
“Youdon’t need to reply now, it’s fine.”
“I, um, wow.Okay, so you want to, what, fake date me?Makeher friends and family believe we’re together until…after the wedding?”
Groaningmy face falls into my hands, elbows perched on the table to stop me from banging my head into it. “ThisisBooth’sdoing.”Myvoice is muffled by my palms.Embarrassmentis boiling me from the inside out.
“CanIthink about it?” she murmurs, and my head shoots up.Imust be seeing things, because does she look a little crestfallen?
“You’reactually thinking about doing this?”Myvoice is laced with shock.