Page 28 of Just One Moment
Igasp. “Theywon’t kill them, will they?”
“Umm…do you want me to lie?”
“No,Graham!”Icry, slapping a hand over my heart at the idea. “Wecan’t kill them,IthinkIsaw babies.”
“Youdon’t even like them.”
“I’mnot a monster.”Ipout and fold my arms.
“Okay, okay.Humanemethods only.I’llcall a buddy over inJacob’sBluff.ThemechanicIgo to also knows someone who doesVWrestorations.”
Jacob’sBluffis one town over and just as beautiful and quaint asSuttonBay.ItrustGraham’scontacts, but it feels out of character to let him take control of everything.What’ssurprising is how nice it feels to have someone helping me out for once.
Wewalk back to hisJeep, my suitcase tucked under his arm.Iglance back at my van, the only homeI’veever really known, with a sad ache in my chest.Hemust feel my mood shift because he bumps his shoulder with mine.
“We’llget it sorted, don’t worry.Let’sget you settled, and then how about some takeout for dinner?”
Iswallow my sadness and try my best to siphon a genuine smile, hoping it hides the whorl of emotions threatening to shatter my façade. “Soundsgood.”
Witha firm nod, he loads my things into the back of his car and we’re on the road again.
Goneis the protective,stern man from this morning.
Themoment we step over the threshold into his apartment,Ican tell his nerves are getting the better of him.It’sexactly howIfelt when he was stuffed into my van earlier.Despitehis timidness, he’s taking the time to show me around his space.Hepoints out which cabinets in the kitchen hold the glasses, plates, and pans.Thenhe shows me how to turn on the shower and reassures me it’s fine ifIwant a bath whileI’mhere.Curly’slittle ears perk up whenGrahamreveals where he keeps the dog treats, and he hasn’t stopped weaving in and out of my legs sinceIarrived.
Asexpected, his apartment is neat, clean, and simple; a lot like the man himself.Italso looks like he’s just moved in, not that he’s lived here for over a year.Notbecause there are unpacked boxes but because there isn’t any sign that he lives here.It’sa bit like a showroom.Nophotos, pillows, plants.Theonly sign of life is the wooden desk and bookshelf in the corner, whereIpresume he works from home.
It’scharacterless, as if he doesn’t want to put his own stamp on it.
“Thisis my room.”Hepoints to a closed door and then guides me to the one opposite.Heslowly opens it, and we stand in the doorway of a decent-sized bedroom, furnished with a king-sized bed, side table, and small dresser tucked away in the corner of the room.
“Andthis is yours.Sorryit’s a little plain.”Grahamscratches the back of his neck.
Imight only be here for a short period of time, but we’re about to spend a lot of time with one another.
I’mdetermined to get to know him as much as possible during this arrangement.Myinterest in him isn’t out of pity, butI’dlove to see him open up a little more and shed some of that uncertainty around what he says and does.FromwhatI’veseen, he’s said all the right things, and his actions speak volumes about the type of person he is.
There’smore toGrahamSadlerthan tentative words, endearing blushes, and numbers.
Duringmy tour,Ispotted the wedding invite pinned to the fridge and that small piece of card made me angry all over again.
Sidemission: send a box of rotten fish heads to his ex.
Westep into the room, andIwiggle my socked feet over the hardwood floor. “It’sperfect.Weclearly have very different tastes though.Mybright outfits must give you a headache, along with my constant talking.”
“Ilike it.Thecolors.Andthe talking,” he rushes out, avoiding eye contact as he sets my suitcase at the foot of the bed. “I’llget you a key tomorrow.OnWednesdaysIwork in the city, soI’musually up and out before six.”
“Worksfor me.I’musually at the bakery between five and six anyway.It’sa good thing we’re both early birds.Anyhouse rulesIshould know about?”
“Houserules?”Heturns to look at me.
“Yeah, you know, like no feet up on the sofa or music after a certain time.Maybeyou walk around naked.I’mcool with that, just warn a girl.”
Hechokes at that last bit.Swipinghis glasses off his face, he rubs the spot between his eyes before placing them back on.Poorguy.Ishould stop, but it’s too much fun teasing him.I’mstill trying to pull that handsome smile out of him again.
“Norules.Nonakedness either.”
“Killjoy.”Ijut my bottom lip out.