Page 29 of Just One Moment

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Page 29 of Just One Moment

“Jesus,Quinn.AmIgoing to regret this?”Hesighs, but there’s humor in his tone. “Areyou good withThai?”

“I’mgood with anything.Isn’tthat obvious?”Igesture down my body.

Hisbrows furrow and his mouth opens slowly, unsure of how to respond to that. “It’sfine.It’sno secretI’ma curvy girl.I’mallowed to make jokes at my own expense.”

Foreheadstill creased, he tucks his hands in his pockets and looks down at the floor.Ifeel a little guilty for making him uncomfortable with my comment, butIama curvy girl.Mystomach wobbles.Mythighs touch.Ihave stretch marks on my boobs and hips.

Iused to hate my figure.Anyonewould after years of hurtful comments and people pinching my rolls, telling me thatfatgirls like me were “good for nothing, lazy bitches.”

Itdidn’t happen overnight, butIlove my body.Weall come in different shapes and sizes, and if someone is going to judge me for that, then they don’t deserve a spot in my life.

“I’mgonna unpack and clean up for dinner.I’llbe out soon.”Istep up toGraham, who’s still looking down at the ground like it personally offended him.Wantingto pull him out of his thoughts,Ipush his glasses up his nose with the tip of my finger, finally getting his attention. “Ireally appreciate this.MorethanIcan explain.Ipromise to be the best fake girlfriend you’ve ever had.”

Beforehe has a chance to reply,Iwrap my arms around his middle and squeeze tight.Thesoft wool of his cardigan tickles my nose at the same time his warm, spicy scent hits me.It’slike that first whiff of hot cider in fall: orange, cloves, cinnamon, and something totally him.

Fora secondIthink he’s not going to hug me back, but when his strong arms envelop me,Imelt into the embrace.

There’sa thrumming between us; a feelingI’venever felt before.

Wepull away at the same time, smiling softly at each other, beforeIcan pinpoint what this new sensation is.

I’mgrateful for him and the friendship we’ve sparked under bizarre circumstances.We’requite the pair; different in so many ways.AndIdecide as he walks out of the room thatIlike that about us.

AfterIsort through my suitcase,I’munbuckling the straps of my overalls when there’s a knock on the door.

ThesecondIopen itGrahamstarts talking with his eyes glued to his feet. “It’syour body and you’re allowed to make whatever comments you want about it.Butfor what it’s worth…”Whenhe finally looks at me, there’s no missing the reverence in his expression. “Ithink you’re fucking perfect.”



I’mgonna need an entire journal for tonight’s entry.

Despitebeing way out of my comfort zone,I’mnot uncomfortable.

I’mjust losing my mind.

Thisis not the planBoothandIlaid out.Thingshave escalated way out of my control.She’slivingwithme.HowamIsupposed to control my thoughts, words, and actions around her?Withjust a smile she unknowingly has the ability to turn my life upside down.It’ssuch a bad, bad idea letting her stay here when the crushIhave doubles in size with each secondIspend with her.

Thenext week is going to be the best type of torture.

I’venever met someone who speaks so openly—with no filter or shame.It’srefreshing.She’sleft me speechless on a number of occasions, andI’mguessing there are only more unfiltered observations to come.

Istill can’t believe she agreed to this whole thing, and sure, she’s gaining something from it, too, butIsuspect it wasn’t easy for her to accept my help.

Whenshe stepped into my apartment,Ifelt cracked openlike an oyster and left out on the shore for all the world to see.Onlymy family has visited, and it killed me not to know how it looked through her eyes.

Ididn’t have much time, butItried my best to make her room look as inviting as possible, even if it is only for a week.She’dthanked me plenty on the ride over here,Ijust hadn’t expected her to hug me.Twicein one dayI’vehadQuinnin my arms.Ijust wish she hadn’t made that comment about her body.Icould tell it wasn’t the first time, as if she thought someone was going to make it first.

Somany responses had zoomed in and out of my brain.Nota single one seemed like the right thing to say in the moment, andIhated thatIwasn’t able to give her the words of reassuranceIwas so desperate for her to hear.

Istood outside the door to her room for a few minutes, frozen in place.Determinedto not let our conversation end with her having any self-doubt or not knowing whatIthought about her.

Butfor what it’s worth,Ithink you’re fucking perfect.

Sofucking perfect.

I’dgive anything to trace my lips along every dip and curve of her soft skin.Tohave those thick thighs wrapped around my waist.Orhead.Icould die happy, ifIknew what those full breasts felt like in my hands.Everythingabout her has me infatuated.It’sonly made better that she’s like my walking fantasy, with a beautiful bodyIwant to sink my fingers and teeth into.

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