Page 44 of Just One Moment
Thebakery is successful.I’veseen the figures, but it’s in its infancy.Anynew business owner knows it’s tough to make a profit within the first two years; you’re funneling in your ownmoney constantly, investing in new equipment, and that’s before you even hire staff or expand.
ForQuinnto be in a position where she has to find temporary housing and fix a rareVolkswagenvan that doubles as her home, it’s no wonder why panic and worry morph her features.
I’mnot just playing with fire with my next proposal,I’mdancing in the flames barefoot.
Itwouldn’t change much.We’dstill play along with this fake dating scheme.I’dstill help out the bakery.Andshe would still live with me.
Justfor a little longer than planned.
Asshe patiently waits for me to respond, all doe-eyed and pretty,Istep closer to brush away a tear with my thumb before it can track down her cheek. “Ithink whatwedo is go and get the rest of your stuff from the van.Staywith me—for now.Untilyou can get it fixed andRickysays it’s safe to live in.Itmakes sense.You’realready living there.Plus,Curlylikes your belly scratches.”
AndIlike you in my home.
Isee her turning the idea over in her head; eyes darting between mine.Iexpect her to fight me on this, andI’mglad she doesn’t,Ijust don’t like what she says next. “Itwould stop anyone from questioning our relationship.”
Thatreason hadn’t even come to mind, simply becauseIwas allowing myself to get excited about the idea ofQuinnin my space.Herscent, smiles, and warm presence mine to cherish and hide away from the world, like they were made for me.Butit would be a tragedy to civilization to keep her to myself.
Inever knew the second deadly sin would be one of my biggest vices.YethereIam; greedy for her.
“Thattoo,”Istubbornly agree.
“Ineed to pay rent though.It’salmost winter.Anextra person living with you is sure to increase the electricity andheating bill.I’llbuy my own food.AndwalkCurlyevery day.”Hervoice rises with each suggestion.
“It’snot necessary,Quinn.Trustme.I’mnot strapped for cash.Itmeans you can save the money needed to fix the van quicker, right?Don’targue with me on this one, please.”Inod atCurly, who has fallen asleep on my shoe.“AndIenjoy walking this guy.Maybe...we can do it together?”
“I’dlike that.”Shesmiles, and hope filters back in as her posture straightens and the tears stop. “I’llcook.Everynight.Noargument.”Thatlast part comes out all deep and surly, andIknow she’s mocking me by the cheeky grin on her face.
“Whata hardship for me that will be.”
Shepulls her shoulders back, andI’munsure what her next move is going to be.Whenher hand falls between us,Ithink we’re about to shake on it—like my awkward gesture the other week.
That’snot what happens.
Herfingers wrap around the collar of my sweater to tug me down a few inches.Balancedon the very tips of her toes, her lips find their way to the same spot she kissed the other day.
I’ma reasonable man, never one to make rash decisions or let my head float in the clouds.Iknow what my next steps will be.Istrategically plan my life.
Therewas no planning forQuinnJackson.
Idon’t prepare myself for how this is going to end.
Theprobability of me falling for her even more is inevitable.
Andthe chances of her feeling the same: 1,000,000:1.
I’mreally horny.
Tothe point where it’s distracting and causing me to make stupid mistakes.
WhenJocame in for her morning coffee, she almost sprayed it all over the cash register when she took her first sip and foundI’dpumped ten times the normal amount of syrup in it.
IservedMrs.Stewarta pot of tea made with cold water.Shewas not happy, and for once, her can-I-speak-to-the-manager attitude was 100 percent justified.It’sa good thingI’mthe manager.
Mytrusty vibrator usually does the trick in sating me, butI’vebeen too nervous to whip it out, conscious of the thin walls inGraham’sapartment.