Page 45 of Just One Moment

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Page 45 of Just One Moment

Ihaven’t had sex in almost a year or touched another man since moving toSuttonBay.

Well, apart from whenGrahamkissed me.

Whichis irrelevant because it wasn’t real.

Sowhy didit feel so good?

“BecauseI’ma horny little tart,”Imutter asImess up yet another tulip in the latte foam.

“Whatwas that, sweetheart?”Claireasks sweetly as she waits for her take-out coffee.

Perfect.NowGraham’smother thinksI’ma horn dog.Ishould probably tell her it’s her son’s fault anyway, because he is a walking, talking contradiction.Lethallysilent.Deathby his spicy scent, knitted sweaters, and sweet gestures.

Idon’t think that man knows what a snack he is, which is a crime.

Notonly amIstuck under the same roof asMr.SexySpectaclesfor the foreseeable future, but he’s the reasonI’mhornier than usual, andIcan’t do anything about it.

Despitemy inner turmoil, it’s easy to put on a happy face when you’re aroundClaire.She’snot much taller than me, but more petite compared to my voluptuous figure.ThenervousnessIhad about dinner last week quickly disappeared when she embraced me like a mother is supposed to.Theevening was some of the best funI’vehad in a long time.Myfavorite part was seeing how relaxedGrahamwas around his family; joking with his brothers, helping his mom, and playing withLottie.

Atno point wasImade to feel like an outsider.Therewas laughter, inside jokes, sentimental moments, and each second thatIspent with his family, my smile and heart grew in size.

Itwas also a stark reminder thatIhave never experienced a dinner like it before.Havenever known a mother’s love or reminisced over family pictures that line the walls of a home.I’mnot even sure there are baby pictures of me.

Itwas bittersweet, butI’vebeen holding onto the sweet.

“Oh, just me mumbling away to myself,”Isay with a flick of my wrist and slide the latte over the counter. “Whatare your plans for today?”

“Ivideo-called with my baby girl this morning.ShelandedinPuertoRicoa couple of days ago and was going on a rain forest tour later this week.Itold that little jet setter we have forests here she could stomp around in.”Clairerolls her eyes, making light of the situation.It’sclear she misses her youngest child. “YouandFlorencecould probably spend hours swapping stories about your travels.Anyway, has my darling boy been treating you right?”

Withan awkward laugh,Itap out the used coffee grinds into the trash and top up the beans in the grinder. “He’sa gentleman.We, um, didn’t plan on living together so soon, but it’s working out.Nolover’s quarrels yet.”Ihate lying to her. “Allyour boys are wonderful, butGraham…he’s really been the best surprise since moving to town.”

Myanxiety eases with that last part, because it’s far from being a lie.

“I’mglad to hear it.They’reall so different in their own ways, butGrahamhas always been a quiet soul, with a strong heart.Somepeople don’t know how to appreciate it…”Herbrow furrows as her words trail off, clearly wanting to say more.Grahamsaid she doesn’t know aboutJennacheating, butIdon’t think he gives his mom enough credit for how perceptive she is.

“Anyonewould be stupid to not see what a catch he is.I’msure when he finds the right gi—Imean,I’mso…he…um…”Shiton a stick,I’mblowing our cover.Thebacks of my thighs are sweating asIscramble to find the right response.

Ihave plenty of nice things to say about him.He’san amazing listener.Hehas a great butt.Pullsoff a pair of glasses like it’s nobody’s business.

I’dreally like to steam those glasses up.

Ohmy god, not helpful.Thepanic is fueled by the factI’vebeen thinking dirty things about her son all day.

“Well, it’s good to know he’s leaving you speechless.”Withatap on the counter,Clairewinks at me and saunters over to say hi to a table of ladies in the corner.

I’mclose to smashing my face into the bowl of cookie dough behind me, when the chime of the bell pulls my attention to the front door.Jo,Patrick, andDexwaveat me before spottingClaire.Patrickgoes over to speak to her, whileJoandDexhead my way.

“Hey, guys.What’sgoing on?”Iask.

“Thepeepers have started to accumulate,”Dexgroans.

“Ah, yes, the infamous leaf peepers.Wait!Doesthat mean the leaves have finally changed?”I’vebeen dying to seeMainein the fall.Idoubt the picturesJohas shown me do the real thing any justice.

“That’swhyI’mhere.”Josmiles widely. “IpromisedI’dtake you to the best spot in the state to see the trees changing.Doyou think you could close the bakery early onWednesday?”

“Absolutely,Ican.Doestwo work?”

“Perfect.I’llpick you up then.”

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