Page 19 of Trapping His Angel
I held my gun up, hoping not to miss. I aimed for his forehead while he lay like a bleeding angel on his back. But he was no angel. He was a devil, and I was eradicating him from this world.
I fired.
Missed and hit his ear.
Blood spurted out as he shrieked and gripped his bleeding appendage, yelling Spanish expletives at me. I ignored all of that, and watched as he writhed all around on the ground. I felt numb. I hadn’t gotten enough information from him, but I got the drug.
That had to account for something.
I pulled the trigger again and my aim was true.
He stopped moving, and I sent off a text to Makari. He was the Brotherhood’s bookkeeper, and paid the cleaners to take care of our messes. When I needed something, I just told him who I needed, and it was taken care of.
Quietly. Just like Makari.
Me: I need a cleanup on the south quarter. It’s level four.
Makari: You couldn’t keep your DNA out of the crime scene this time?
Me: Shit happens.
Makari: Less than twenty minutes out.
Me: Thanks, fucker.
Just like Makari said,in less than twenty minutes, a white industrial van blocked the alleyway. The Brotherhood cleaners stepped out in their matching white overalls covering their suits.
I always wondered why they didn’t wear black. It was easier to cover up blood. But maybe they didn’t want to cover up. They headed around me and I nodded at the guy in charge, which was usually the one with the clipboard and headset.
I headed back into the boutique, and waved to the ladies working the counter. They pointed back to where the dressing rooms were, to tell me that was where mymalen'kiy angelwas trying on clothes.
Good. That gave me a chance to head to the bathroom.
I went into the family bathroom and looked in the mirror. There wasn’t any blood on my face, but there was a small splatter in my hair.
“I’m too old for this shit,” I said out loud.
I held my head into the sink and scrubbed as best as I could. It may not get all the blood out, but it would darken my strands so it was less noticeable. I wondered what my woman would look like with her white patch of hair stained red with blood.
It didn’t matter. These wild thoughts were out of control. I didn’t know what to do with them. The same bug that had ailedall the Petrov men had attacked me. I thought it was a curse, and there wouldn’t be a cure until her death.
That’s what they don’t want to tell me.
In order to stop an obsession, it must be smothered and then killed. Of course, if I went along with tradition, my child would have the right. But the longer I spent around mymalen'kiy angel,the less I wanted to kill her.
The more I wanted to force more of her submission. Maybe I wouldn’t give her back to the people who sent her to The Academy to begin with. I finished my hair, and dried it a tad with a paper towel.
My phone went off. Pavel was texting me. Psycho hacker.
Pavel: Hey, I’ve got that information you asked for on a woman.
Me: A girl, yeah.