Page 20 of Trapping His Angel
Pavel: She’s nineteen, so wouldn’t that be considered a woman?
Me: Barely.
Pavel: Whatever, check your email. I’ve got a full dossier on her.
I said nothing back.I wanted to know as much information as I could about mymalen'kiy angel,even if she couldn’t remember it herself. Once she told me her story, I could confirm the information Pavel dug up. But for now, the dossier would have to do.
I would check the full dossier later. For now, I needed her name. Her full one, so I could start preparing to steal my little birdie away from whoever thought they could claim her.
Isadora Paèz, the sole bastard heir to the Venezuelan Cartel. Her mother was a black prostitute, and her father was one of the largestjefesin the southern hemisphere. I wasn’t sure who her fiancé was, but I stopped reading and put my phone down.
She didn’t know any of this information, her mind an almost blank slate from her past. I wasn’t sure what to do withmoy ahren; my angel. My heart raced after taking in this information about her. Something shifted inside of me. Something I couldn’t name.
This unfamiliar sensation was overpowering, and I knew I couldn’t rid myself of it. Mymalen'kiy angelwasn’t going anywhere. Not yet. If I had any say in it, never. I pitied the fool who would try to stand in my way.
“Last one, I promise,” Valentina said from the other side of the dressing room door.
“Good, because this is exhausting.” I didn’t mention the gunshots we were all ignoring.
It had been some time since we heard the shots. I’d dropped to the ground, but nothing happened to me. Valentina was fine as well, and acting like it never happened. I followed suit.
“I want to see it.” His dark voice came from the other side of the door , and I froze.
Benedikt was becoming an obsession. For a man missing an eye, he didn’t let that stop his swagger.
“Why is your hair wet?” Valentina asked.
Benedikt chuckled as I scrambled to throw the evening gown on my body. “It got a little dirty.”
I stole a look at myself in the mirror, dissatisfied by what I saw. My curves were almost nonexistent, and the red gown hung off my frame in an unflattering way.
“Come out, mymalen'kiy angel,”he commanded.
I shivered, unable to ignore his demand. I stepped outside of the dressing room and gasped, as soon as I laid eyes on BenediktPetrov. “Is that blood in your hair?” I covered my mouth immediately. I hadn’t meant to say that.
“And if it is?” A dangerous aura surrounded Benedikt. I didn’t want to mess with him, that was for sure.
I turned, to change the subject, and did a little twirl.
Would he miss me if I was gone, or just replace me?
“She needs two sizes smaller in this dress,” Benedikt said.
I faced him, thinking he was talking to me, but he was addressing the saleslady. “Right away, Mr. Petrov.”
I think they were speaking English for our benefit, and I found that kind of sweet. Benedikt was someone important. “Pick an outfit to wear out of here,malen'kiy angel.”
I nodded and headed back inside the dressing room. I wanted to know what he was calling me, but there was a deep fear within me. Something that was holding me back. A foreboding that said I shouldn’t push these men too far.
That my freedom could be taken away, just as fast as it was given.
I wasn’t in control of my life. I didn’t even have a situation like Valentina. I wasn’t sure if I had met her husband, however she had been by my side since the rescue. Maybe the rumors about her man were wrong. He seemed caring.
Benedikt seemed like an unhinged individual. He had blood in his salt-and-pepper hair, for crying out loud. It was only a few flecks, but what else could those red flecks be? Him not denying it was telling.
His chest tattoos, that peeked through on his neck, turned me on. However, his attitude led me to believe that if I let him into my heart, I would get hurt. It was best to stay away from Benedikt and his hungry gaze.I wish his gaze wasn’t so heavy. It makes it hard to breathe.