Page 64 of Trapping His Angel
I pulled out my phone and tried to access the main cameras, but nothing was working. I went to my secret hidden ones, thecameras I placed myself. Mymalen'kiy angelwas nowhere to be found, but I could see there had been some kind of struggle.
I zoomed in and saw her clothes on the floor in the kitchen.
Rage pulsed through my veins, as many scenarios ran through my mind, of what could have happened to her. None of them were good. One of my spies came to grab me and we took off. The caravan followed behind.
I was going to find mymalen'kiy angel,and kill every single person who’d touched a single hair on her beautiful head. Mark my fucking words.
My ass was rumbling beneath me when I came to. Something was covering my eyes now, and I was still naked and cold. I shivered in place, as I tried to get a feel of my surroundings. My hands were still tied behind my back, and his sticky cum had dried on my thighs. I prayed to God that he didn’t have any diseases and hadn’t made me pregnant.
My ankles were tied together and my knees were to my chest. From the rumbling, I figured I must’ve been in a car. Spanish music played and I could hear the sounds of men, but I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying.
My Spanish was rusty, since I’d spent the better part of this year with the Russians, and went to The Academy as a small kid. I kept my ears peeled as I tried to struggle out of my bindings. The pain in my wrists and ankles grew, the more I tried to get out of them.
The car came to a stop, rocking my body from side to side with the force of the brakes. The men got out of the vehicle, speaking in our language in hushed tones. I caught a few words saying they were planning on transporting me.
I heard the trunk opening and the chill grew.
“Get her out,” a familiar voice ordered.
My ex-fiancé sounded like he had a bug up his ass. He directed the men in Spanish on where to put me for now, and to meet him when they finished. They were probably going to talk more.
I couldn’t have been in Venezuela, since the air was still full of that Russian cold. Hands grabbed me and swung my body over a shoulder. I grunted from the impact but didn’t waste my time trying to scream. I still had tape over my mouth to keep my sounds muffled.
My kidnappers walked with me for a while, and bounced me forcefully on their shoulder as we headed upward. A tear rolled out of my eye, because I knew I was going to have more bruises from their rough handling.
I wasn’t concerned about what they were going to do to me. I’d lived through worse, but I was worried that Benedikt wouldn’t be able to find me. Because he sure as fuck was coming. I knew that for certain.
I’d never doubt that.
One thing the time I’d spent with Benedikt had taught me was that he was obsessed with my safety and well-being. Borderline possessive in his thoughts of me. He wouldn’t allow anyone to steal me out from under him.
If only for his pride, rather than something small, like love.
I was tossed onto a mattress, and bounced with relief that it was semi-soft.
“Stay down, bitch,” an unfamiliar man ordered me.
I heard his footsteps walking away as he left me tied like this. A door opened and closed, then there was silence. I thought I was all alone, but I had no way to know for certain. I didn’t feel like there was a presence with me now, so I struggled to sit up.
I moved like an inchworm, until I could rest my body sideways against the headboard.
Panting, I tried to roll my head to my shoulder so I could rub the blindfold off my eyes, but it didn’t budge. Exhausted, I leaned harder on the headboard, and prayed for a way out of this situation.
As time wore on, I felt more and more bleak. It wasn’t until I heard the gunshots that I perked up. Something was happening. I took a risk in the loud distant chaos, and rolled off of the bed onto the floor with a loud oof.
I scooched and inched my way under the bed, as much as I could, praying that my body wasn’t sticking out for someone to see. I slid around, until my body lined up with the wall, and laid still.
I waited.
Shouts rang out, with the sound of footsteps running down the hallway, before being followed by the sound of gunshots. I shook as I heard someone going down the hall, kicking in doors, from the sound of it. My head swiveled at every single sound, as the footsteps got closer and closer.
I held back a sob as they stopped in front of the room I was in. I heard the handle to the room jiggle. I tried to stay quiet as the door was kicked in a second later. The footsteps stomped around the room.
I prayed they found what they were looking for and let me be.
They stomped into a room and I could hear what sounded like swishing. Maybe a closet or something? I bit down on my lip, trying to silence a whimper, as the steps grew closer to the bed.