Page 65 of Trapping His Angel
A minute passed and I heard no movement. What were they doing? I didn’t know if they had left, or if this was a trick to get me to leave my hiding spot, but I wasn’t moving. A second later, I could feel a breeze against my forehead.
“There you are, mymalen'kiy angel,”Benedikt’s warm tone soothed my nerves.
My shoulders loosened, as I relaxed, knowing that he was here. I couldn’t help but trust him. Ever since he’d rescued me, he hadn’t let me down. Not once. I felt his hand wrap underneath my arms and pull me from under the bed.
Benedikt lifted me onto the bed and removed the blindfold and tape. I blinked as the room I’d been held in came into focus. I couldn’t care less about the details, not when Benedikt wore the most anguished look on his face.
I tried to lift my hands to caress his cheeks, but I was still tied up, I’d forgotten for a moment.
“Sorry, mymalen'kiy angel.Let me get that for you.” He whipped out his knife and cut the cable cord off my wrists and ankles.
“Thank you,” I said, rubbing my painful wrists as best I could.
“Let’s get you home,” he mumbled.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, as I tried to stand on shaky legs.
“This was my fault,” he whispered.
I shook my head. “No. It wasn’t.”
He nodded. “Yes. I should’ve been there to protect you. I was too busy stopping your father, and failed to see the bigger threat.”
I stopped walking, the pain between my legs too great.
Benedikt cursed in Russian, before holstering his weapon, and sweeping me off my feet. Then he pulled his weapon back out and tried to balance.
“Let me climb on you like a backpack,” I suggested.
He vetoed it right away. “No, the enemy could shoot you and kill you from behind. The front would be better.” Even though it looked like it pained him.
He tore off his shirt and draped me in it. We maneuvered my body until I was wrapped around him like a koala, to the front of his chest, leaving his arms free for the fight. It strained the place between my thighs but I powered through the pain.
I would ignore it, so we could get out of here alive.
I gritted my teeth as he started slowly walking. We took a few steps before Benedikt stopped. He squatted and grabbed something.
“Lean backward,” he ordered.
I did as he asked, and he passed me a handgun.
“Aim that behind me, wife. Shoot first, ask questions later, baby,” he cooed.
It wasn’t like I hadn’t grown up around guns. I just hadn’t shot that many. However, I followed his directions. Growing up, my father’s men taught me every part of the weapon. I knew my way around one, even if I was rusty.
One soldier let me shoot a couple of glass bottles in the back of the property, if I stole something from my father in return. It was a good trade. I grabbed money, jewels, and small things he wouldn’t miss, until I was sent off for training at The Academy.
I aimed with a shaky hand behind Benedikt. I knew that, by the time I shot a bullet, Benedikt would have taken care of the threat. I just had to keep my wits about me. Benedikt jogged through the house I’d been held in.
Dead bodies were littered everywhere.
I assumed that meant we’d won. If we hadn’t, Benedikt would either be running faster, or sneaking slower, to not get caught by the enemies. I kept my eyes alert as I looked for any signs of danger.
We made it outside with no incident.
Benedikt didn’t hesitate to get me into a transport vehicle. He barked orders I couldn’t follow in Russian, once he sat me on the seat. It didn’t take long for us to head out. I wondered if Juan Carlos was dead and asked Benedikt about it.
His eyes grew dark as he looked at me. “He will be soon, mymalen'kiy angel.He will be soon.” Violence flooded the enclosed space, and I shuddered at what was coming to Juan Carlos, justhappy that when it came down to me or him, I’d ended up on top. I’d never doubted he would come for me. The world finally chose me, and I had Benedikt Petrov to thank for that.