Page 66 of Trapping His Angel
Thank fucking Christ I put a tracking device in Isadora’s ring. Once I accessed the camera feed, and saw that she’d been raped and taken, an uncontrollable rage ran through me. I gathered every man in the vicinity and started the manhunt.
Tracking her ring had been easy. The Venezuelan fucks never thought to even check her for them. I hunted them down and took back what was mine, but I didn’t kill Juan Carlos.
Not yet.
He had to pay for forcing himself on my wife. The disrespect alone would cost him his life, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted to help mymalen'kiy angelheal from his assault, and what better way to do that, than to allow her to take back her power?
Issak, the family doctor, was on standby to help keep the prisoner alive. When we got back to my house, I took Isadora upstairs. I helped her bathe, and Issak looked over her. Once her eyelids fell shut, I watched her sleep.
I didn’t want to live in a world where Isadora didn’t exist. It hadn’t hit me, until I was panicking over her kidnapping, that I loved her. I didn’t go to The Academy looking for love; Iwas looking to strengthen the Bratva, but I found so much more.
I found my other half.
A soulmate this late in life seemed far fetched, but that was what Isadora was to me. I didn’t care if that made me a fool. Love would do that to a man. I was grown enough to know that I didn’t want to go on without my wife.
I took my vows seriously.
I would protect her for the rest of my life. That was how I felt about Isadora. And it was high time I came to grips with these emotions. As the sun rose high in the sky, I realized I felt different.
Not like a new man, but like I’d taken back control of my life.
I wasn’t letting it pass me by. I was claiming my wife, and making sure no harm came to her, for as long as I lived. The world owed her that, and I was going to give it. I watched as the sun cast a glow on her dark skin. I pressed a kiss on each of her eyelids waiting for her big Bambi eyes to look at me.
I didn’t have to wait much longer. Her eyes fluttered open, and I swear my heart kicked up its beating.
“I almost lost you,” I croaked, my voice hoarse from all the ordering I did yesterday.
“I’m still here,” she whispered.
“I have a gift for you. Are you up for some food and then a bit of an adventure?”
She nodded and gave me a small smile. Her eyes were haunted again, just like the day I’d rescued her from The Academy. I wanted those fears to go away. I knew I couldn’t erase them for good, but I had a good idea of how to start.
“I could eat,” she whispered.
“Come on then, my wife. Let’s get you fed.” She was probably going to throw it up later, but I would not starve her.
We headed down to the kitchen, and Isadora stopped inplace, shaking with fear. It took me a second before I cursed out loud. I hadn’t been thinking. I shouldn’t have even brought her back here.
I swung her into my arms, and carried her away from the room she’d been brutalized in, surprised that she wasn’t fighting me. She sat in my arms like a shell of herself. I rocked her, and hummed under my breath, until she calmed down.
She finally blinked up at me, like she was just registering where she was. “I’m not hungry anymore,” she whispered.
I wanted to weep alongside her, but I couldn’t break. This was my fault and I would fix it. “Do you want to go on the adventure next instead?”
She hesitated, chewing on her plump bottom lip. “I don’t know,” she hedged.
“I think it will cheer you up, and afterward, we can head back to the Petrov mansion for a while.” It was safe, and she didn’t have awful memories from another one of the worst nights in the world there.
She nodded and I walked with her to the front door. I wasn’t planning on putting her down until we got to our destination, so shoes weren’t required. We headed outside, to the warehouse at the back of my property, where I take my prey when they need to scream, and I don’t want anyone but me to hear them.
Isadora kept her head on my shoulder, trusting her husband to get her to where she needed to be. I couldn’t help but admit, I didn’t mind her staying cuddled up with me. I felt close to her and I wanted to grow on that.
We stepped into the warehouse and I took her to the large cell he was being kept in. As soon as we stepped inside, I set mymalen'kiy angelon the floor. I watched her face as she took in the dingy room. The floors were clean, except for where Juan Carlos hung by his wrists from the ceiling.
That was what the drain below him was for.