Page 17 of Duke
“Esther, my darling girl. How are you? We miss you. Your father and I want you to come over for dinner.” OK. Something is up. Never in my whole twenty-four years has she spoken to me like this.
“Umm, I don't really have time.” I tell her, wanting to just get to the point.
“Honey, really?!? No time for your parents?”
Seriously!! Now I know something is up, and I am getting pissed that I am spending my lunch dealing with this shit.
“Mom, cut the crap. What do you want?” my voice can't be construed as anything other than over it.
“Fine. Imagine my surprise to see my own daughter in the paper kissing none other than Duke Roades. How did you forget to mention this?” Is she for real?
“I fail to see how it is any of your business.”
“Esther, do you know who you have managed to sink your claws into? Do you know how much he is worth? If your father could get him to invest…” and I’m done.
“I am not with him for his money, nor will I be introducing him to either of you. This is one part of my life you will not run or ruin. Now, if you excuse me.” I hang up as she begins to yell into the phone. I am no longer hungry so on my way down the street, I hand my sandwich to a homeless man on the corner. I hate to see good food go to waste.
The rest of the day passes quickly. It takes me by surprise when my trainer calls it a day. “I know it is a lot to take in but trust me once you get a hang of the system and the checks and balances the rest is a piece of cake. Now go home, rest, and refresh.” she says grabbing her stuff.
“Thank you, Lara. Have a goodnight.” I say to her as I walk to the elevator. It is startling to see Denton at the elevator waiting for me. The hairs on my neck begin to stand up and my body goes on alert.
“So, how was your first day?”
“It was fine, thank you. I am surprised to see you still here.”
“I wanted to make sure your day was good and walk you to your car.” Oh crap. Not only do I not have my car, but I know Duke is downstairs waiting on me due to the text he sent ten minutes ago. This could get ugly real quick.
“Oh sir, I appreciate your kind offer very much, but you don’t…”
“Nonsense,” he interrupts me. “It’s the least I can do.” I try to smile at him, though I feel anything but creeped out. No. Maybe this will be a good thing. He will see I am otherwise attached and pull back. Yes. This is much better. Leaving the building, I see the car and begin heading towards it. Suddenly he touches my arm, bringing my attention back to him.
“I see you have other transportation. Courtesy of your father I assume”. I am just about to answer him when I hear a car door close and seconds later a growling Duke.
“Take your fucking hands off her, you piece of shit. She will not be your next conquest.” Oh boy. This is going way past left field.Chapter ThirteenDukeTwo Months LaterFor the last two months my goal has been to try and fuck my kid into Esther. It seems as if I can't get enough of her tight pink cunt. From the time I wake, until the time I go to bed I crave her. She’s a drug that I never want to give up. She is fucking dripping wet for me every time I touch her, and I can’t resist her. I am completely in love with her.
It seems as if I want to be around her all the time, but that’s not feasible. Work is insane right now at my company, as well as the one Esther works for. It pisses me off that she’s still working for that smarmy bastard, but she seems to enjoy the work. In fact, I’ve decided to surprise her for lunch. As I am in the elevator going up to her floor, I check my email, so she has all of my attention and there are no distractions during lunch.
Stepping out of the elevator onto her floor, I notice there isn’t a single person working in any of the cubicles for as far as the eye can see. I’ve been up here a few times before, so I know something isn’t right. For a split second, I pause thinking it’s a federal holiday or something, but I quickly dismiss that thought. It’s also incredibly quiet. Normally, phones are ringing off the hook and people are talking loudly about cases or emails. I look at my watch to see that it’s only 11:15. It’s too early for the entire floor to be out to lunch. Instantly, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.