Page 18 of Duke
I walk briskly to Esther’s desk, which is situated outside the heavy wooden doors of her boss’s office. It’s empty. There is a cold bottle of water sitting on her desk with condensating on the wood, but she’s nowhere to be seen. The door to his office is partially ajar, so I push it open and instantly see red. They don’t even realize I am standing there. Kilworth has his hands on her shoulders and is speaking to her in a low voice. She’s trying to get away from him, but he squeezes her harder.
“You know you want this, Esther. Don’t be coy, that’s not sexy,” he growls leaning in to kiss her. I push into the room further and wrench him away from her.
“Roades? What the fuck are you doing here?” he bellows. Esther doesn’t say anything, she is only holding onto her tummy.
“I came to take Esther to lunch but find you with your hands on her instead. I tried to be patient with you, asshole,” I say before hauling off and punching him in the nose as hard as I can.
“You bwoke my noth, athhole,” he slurs as blood is pouring down his face. Serves him right, motherfucker.
“You’re fucking lucky that’s all I broke, you piece of shit,” I say taking Esther by the hand. She jerks out of my grip and bends over before puking all over Kilworth’s expensive shoes. He jumps back holding his nose.
“Ugh,” he growls.
“Holy shit, baby. Are you okay?” I ask, immediately concerned.
“I’m fine. He pissed me off so bad my body reacted. Let’s go home. I quit! And, by the fucking way, your wife called. She’ll have to meet you at the Rothman’s. Good luck explaining that broken nose,” She says flipping her hair as she turns and strides from the room. Who gets married just to hit on other women? Pieces of shit, that’s who.
“I’m calling the cops,” he says before I turn and leave.
“You do that,” I holler as I take the few belongings Esther has gathered up, while she greedily drinks her water.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask again as soon as we are in the town car. She’s been using my driver to get back and forth to work and she’s all but moved into my place.
“So much better now. I can’t believe the weight that’s been lifted off of my shoulders. I hated it there. I should have listened to pretty much everyone I know and never took the job.”
“Why didn’t you, baby?” she shrugs her shoulders.
“I just wanted to prove everyone wrong, I guess. I wanted to show that I could make it on my own.” It breaks my heart, seeing her so defeated. Pulling her into my arms, I kiss her neck and whisper in her ear.
“You know we can find something else for you to do, Esther. Just think of something that makes you happy and we’ll make it come true.” She lays her head on my shoulder and I feel the need to bring her out of the dark place I know she will go, if I let it happen. Hell, it happened to me before mom and dad came to save me.
“What’s done is done,” I tell her, taking her hand. I don’t want to be a dick and say I told you so, so I don’t.
Once we get home, we eat the takeout we grabbed on the way here. We eat dinner and talk about our days before I broke someone’s nose. All in all, it was a surprisingly good day.
“Take a shower with me?” she asks after we clean up the Chinese food containers.
“Hell yea,” I reply, kissing her neck.
I watch her strip out of her clothes as soon as we hit the bedroom. I follow her lead, and before I know it, we are under the hot water. Where I am pounding inside of her with her legs wrapped around my waist. She cries out her orgasm as she comes more quickly than she ever has before. Her tight cunt squeezes around my dick and I can’t help filling her again. Both of us are out of breath and shivering from more than the cold water. We finish and step out of the shower. Then I hear someone banging on the front door. I don't know much about the life of crime, but I do know a cop knock when I hear one.
“Wait here,” I tell Esther as she looks around for her robe. I pull on a pair of basketball shorts and head for the door.
“Mr. Roades?” the older cop asks as soon as I open it.
“Yes,” I reply.
“Mr. Duke Nathaniel Roades,” he asks, clarifying.
“Yes? Who’s asking?” I demand, suspecting that pussy bitch made good on his promise to call the cops.
“I’m Officer Davis, this is Officer Wentworth with the Warrant Division of the Chicago PD. We have a warrant for your arrest. Would you like to get dressed before we go?” he asks, handing me the warrant. I look it over and confirm my suspicions. I am being arrested for Assault, a class C misdemeanor.