Page 28 of A Kiss Stolen
There’s no other place I’d rather be so I drink in her scent and enjoy the tremors of her orgasm, and when she is done I suck her very, very gently on her sensitive clit to soak up all the release from her climax. When I pull away there are tears in her eyes.
“See,” I murmur, “why it’s such a favorite of mine.”
She kisses me hard, and moves instantly to loosen my trousers, unable to wait any longer.
I would have assisted her, but she seems immensely impatient, and brushes my hand aside. Soon I am unzipped, and my dick is stroking her wet pussy.
“Do you want to use a condom?” I ask.
She shakes her head. “No.” Her star-burst eyes fierce and determined. “Never again.”
She reaches for me confidently and acts as though she owns every part of me, no holding back whatsoever, no reservations. I have absolutely no complaints, especially when she turns her back on me and slowly impales herself on me. It turns me on even more to see her slight body swallow my cock. She spreads her legs further apart and bounces her ass slightly to drive me even deeper in.
When her head falls backwards and her hair cascades down her back I become convinced she truly is a siren sent to lure me. With her hands on my thighs for support, she begins to ride me, savoring every movement. Once she glances back and I am stunned by the expression on her face. It is that of a powerful Goddess, full of secrets. I watch, fully entranced as she chases her pleasure.
It’s hard to believe that just a few days ago, she had never even been touched by a man. I was her first, and I am going to be her last. No one else will ever lay their hands on my woman. I cannot even fathom it.
She fucks me with an expertise that shows her to be a natural lover, her rhythm hard and fast, then excruciatingly slow. It is hard for me to hold back, but I want her to come again. The racing of my heart begins to spiral out of control, but I can see that she is panting heavily too. I won’t have to plan it. This dance between us, is agonizingly, beautifully choreographed by the heavens.
She calls out my name again and again, her hips riding me wildly. I bury my own roar in her back when she pushes me over the edge and burst inside her, filling her with my seed. My mouth clamps down on her sweet flesh, even though I try my best to be careful not to mark her too brutally. When I collapse back on the bed though, I can clearly see the mark that I have left on her.
She allows herself to fall on top of me. Our bodies slick with sweat slip and slide. I immediately turn her around to face me. I want to cradle her. She lays my head on her chest and I feel my heart almost burst with a feeling of possession.
“Do you still hate me?” she whispers.
“No, Liliana, I don’t hate you. I never really did. I just told myself I did because I couldn’t stand the pain of knowing you didn’t want me.”
She lifts her head, her eyes pierce me. “Oh, but I always wanted you, Brand Vaughan. I was just shocked by the kiss. The way it made me feel. If you had only been less intense things would have been completely different.”
“When we wake up you can tell me what happened to you after you left our house, okay?”
Just before I fall deeply I wrap my arms tightly around her. No matter what happens I will never let her go.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
9 years ago
They took me to a hostel. A place where children are kept until a foster home can be found for them. I think I was too shocked to notice anything. I didn’t see the gleam in the hostel owner’s eyes when the policeman said, “Got another one for you. This one has no papers. Gypsy boy.”
Mr. Havant showed me to my room. It was in the basement.
I didn’t notice the blacked-out window or the bars over it either. And when he locked the door from the outside I hadn’t thought to protest. I sat on the mattress in the dark in a disbelieving daze.
All I could think of was my mother. It seemed impossible she was really dead. It had all happened so fast. But what if she wasn’t really dead? What if we had made a mistake? There were many stories told from ancient days of people who woke up from the dead. That was why we Irish, hold a wake. We stay up all night and hope it was all a terrible mistake and the dead would come back to life.
Who will hold a wake for my mother?
And my father? He handed himself to the men who he had spent his whole life detesting. They were the pigs. We never trusted them.
It was only when I decided to escape and go look for my mother that I suddenly noticed the metal bars on the windows and the door was locked from the outside. Now, I had a different problem to worry about. Something was not right. I was supposed to be in a home with many other boys. Instead I had been locked up alone in a dank basement.
Warily, I looked around. There was only a single bed with a thin mattress and no sheets. I realized I had become a prisoner. I sat back down on the bed. It stank of stale urine. The Havant man had said he would bring me a meal later. He was a puny man. I was only fifteen, but I knew I could overpower him easily.
I decided to wait for my meal to arrive and play it by ear then, but no meal arrived. The light switch did not work and I was soon sitting in a total darkness. Eventually, I heard footsteps on the stairs. I stood up, ready to ambush the man and escape from my prison. The door opened and before I knew it I saw a blue light flash into the room before I felt my whole body start convulsing with electricity. I screamed with pain as I fell to the ground my body jerking uncontrollably.
He had just tazered me.
I was still in agony on the floor when other men came into the room. The tazer had taken all of my life force and I could not resist the men when they opened my mouth and dropped a bitter white powder in it. I didn’t know what it was and I tried to spit it out, but they held my nose and mouth shut and forced me to swallow the powder. Then they left.
As soon as they went I wiped my mouth clean with the ends of my shirt. At first I didn’t feel anything, but as time went on something strange started to happen to me. I started to feel as if I was drunk. As more time passed, I realized I couldn’t move my limbs. I had absolutely no control of my body at all.
A heavy-set woman with gray hair came into the room. She was carrying a bucket of something that had steam coming off it. Under her armpit was a couple of towels. She undressed me and washed me with soapy water. The whole time she never spoke or looked me in the eye, but treated me as if I was a doll or an inanimate object. As she washed my private parts I hated it, but there was not a thing I could do about it. After that she dried me and dressed me in a black rubber costume. It was like a one piece, but something a man would never wear. It was so tight she was sweating by the time she had dressed me.
She combed my hair, then put lipstick on my lips. I wanted to scream at her, but I was completely frozen. Not even the slightest bit of sound could I make. Men came in and carried me out. We travelled in a van. They were coarse men. They spoke lewdly about my body. They even touched my penis. I was carried into a grand house. It was clear someone of great importance lived in that house. I was put into a lift and taken into the basement of the house. The room I was taken to had red walls and a bed that was covered in pure white fur. The funny thing about the drug I had been given was that I could not do a thing with my limbs, not even my eyelids could I close, but every sensation was heightened. I could almost feel every silly individual stand of fur.
The men left. After a while a man with silver hair came in. His skin was so white it was like the underbelly of a lizard or a frog. He had a cocktail in his hand. He looked at me with a crooked smile on his face.
“My, my, what a great big cock you have,” he said, taking a sip of his drink.
He left his civilized ways the moment he put his empty cocktail glass down. Then he became an insatiable animal. Ripping my costume apart. He treated me as if I was a sex robot. The abuse was unbelievable. He bit my cock so hard te
ars started to flow from my eyes. Watching me cry helplessly made him laugh with delight. He stuffed his pale penis into my mouth and fucked me so long I thought I would die.
It was a night from hell.
Then his friends arrived. A rough bunch in suits. They took turns. I felt it all. Like being stabbed again and again in the ass with a knife. The whole time I couldn’t do a thing. Every time one of them mounted me I thought of Liliana. Her flowing dark hair, her beautiful blue eyes, her creamy skin, her musical voice, the delicious taste of her mouth. And I hated her more and more.
When I started to bleed, they laughed and said, blood was the best lubricant. I told myself. One day, I will make you bleed too, Liliana Eden. You’ll see.
One day …
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Even before I open my eyes I already know I am alone.