Page 29 of A Kiss Stolen
There is no warmth around me and when I open my eyes to the daylight filtering through the window, I know that Liliana is no longer around. I sit up, refusing to panic, refusing to feel any fear. She cannot leave the premises anyway but still … the bliss of the previous evening now all feels like a very distant dream. She woke up in the early hours of the morning and made me talk about my mother and my life. I told her things I have never told another human being. I laid my sins at her feet. The men I have killed, the way I rose to power and wealth, I hid nothing from her. After all she helped create the monster that I was. Let her dance with the devil she created.
I get to my feet refusing to acknowledge the ache in my heart that maybe I told her too much. Maybe this time she is truly gone.
The fear doesn’t go away until I get into the bathroom and hear a slight sound coming from the shower stall. I take a few more steps and she comes into view. My eyes rove down her naked back all the way to her perfectly rounded ass. Such relief pours through my system I almost feel tearful. The way she looks! God, I want to grab her and make her mine all over again. Then it strikes me that she is behaving in a very curious manner.
Her head shoots up in alarm and she spins right around. She is so fast that I have to blink to reset my eyesight.
“What are you doing?” she asks defensively.
“What are you doing in my bathroom?” I ask.
She keeps her hands behind her body as though she is hiding something. “Nothing.”
I look at her with amusement. “What are you hiding?”
I see her eyes dart to ascertain a likely escape route so I step subtly away to give her more space to dream of her escape. When she makes the mistake of taking it, my hand clamps around her waist. I pull her back against my body.
“Let me go,” she cries, her head lowered as she scratches on my arm to release her. I look down to see my razor in her hand. Suddenly, I know what she is up to. Thoroughly entertained by her antics, I let her go then. She is too embarrassed to even meet my eyes.
“I’ll be in my bathroom if you need me,” she says nonchalantly.
“Where are you going with my razor?” I ask. “I need that to shave.”
She is so shocked by my suggestion she whirls around to face me, her eyes wide. Finally, I am able to see the unfinished shave job on her sex. How I wished she had asked me to handle the task myself. It would have been the perfect morning chore.
“You can’t use this?” she says in a scandalized tone.
“Why not?”
She looks horrified. “I’ve already used it to, you know? Hygiene Brand!”
I am sure she must be joking. “Liliana, a few hours ago your entire pussy was in my mouth and I was sucking it as if there was no tomorrow.”
Like a magic trick, I watch Liliana turn a bright crimson. I don’t know whether to laugh or to kiss her.
I throw my hands around her and grab her before she can run away again. Lifting her I put her on the bathroom counter.
“Let me go,” she mewls, but her protest falls on deaf ears. I open her legs wide and slide my hand over the light stubble of her pussy before flicking on her bud, then slipping my fingers inside her. She gasps at the intrusion, but she is already wet and ready. In my head, I calculate how much time I have.
“You could have asked me to help you out,” I whisper in her ear as her entire frame begins to tremble.
My fingers slip in and out.
“Stop talking about that and just fuck me,” she cries with frustration.
“I would love to, but I have a deadly important meeting in half an hour. Well twenty minutes now.” Her eyes fly open as she immediately stares into my eyes.
She stops my hand with both of hers. “Will you be okay?”
“When I say deadly I mean serious, Liliana, I’ll be fine.”
“You promised last night you will go straight.”
“And I will. Step by step. There are certain codes in my life of business. If I walk out without fulfilling my responsibilities I’m a dead man.”
She frowns. I increase the pace of my fingers in her and after a while she throws her head backwards. She is so close to coming I can feel it in the tightening of her pussy walls. I decide to finish myself off later, so I solely go after her climax. In no time she explodes on my hands.
I bring my fingers to my mouth and lick them clean of her taste, and she watches me, her gaze raw, and chest heaving. “I want us to fuck,” she says.
I instantly release her, spanking her ass to send her on her way.
“Can’t,” I respond. “Meeting in fifteen.”
“Brand.” She pouts, but I gently push her out, and throwing my towel after her turn on the faucet.
I pull the door back open briefly however. “Leave it the way it is,” I say with a nod of my chin at her sex. “I’ll finish the job when I get back.”
Chapter Forty
I do not see Brand before he leaves.
Once again, I am left alone in the house with nothing to do, and this time around with no one to speak to. I think of Pierre and hope that he is fine, and has not been scared too much by the previous evening. He got off easy, but I got off lucky.
I still cannot believe the time I have had with Brand.
For the first time he feels like a true lover to me. Last night was the sweetest night I have ever had in my life. My fear is for how it will all end. I really need to contact my father and soon. The longer I leave it the more worried and worked up he will become and the harder it will be to bring about a solution. Brand and my father are natural enemies, but I must somehow find a way for them to become friends.
I take a quick shower and even though it bothers me to be half shaven I leave the half-done job and go lie down on the couch downstairs. I am still quite sore. Last night I was able to ignore the pains in my back and arms from my fall and focus solely on Brand, but now that I am all alone, I can feel them throbbing. I smile when I think how easy it was to push aside my aches when I was with Brand.
When the doorbell rings around lunch time my heart jumps with the hope that it is Brand. It is not him. It is a food delivery service escorted by one of the guards. They come in and lay an extravagant array of dishes for me. I eat the food, read and watch some French TV. With the passing hours I start to fear that we will lose the comradeship of the previous evening.
Night falls again. Eventually, I fall asleep in front of the TV. I come awake the moment I hear Brand’s SUV pull into the compound. The door clicks open and I sit up. I wait for his approach, anticipate and even pray for it, but when I hear his footsteps begin to climb up the stairs, my heart falls. Perhaps he doesn’t know that I am here, I try to console myself, so I call out, “Brand.”
He changes direction and comes to sit opposite me. He looks so incredibly guarded and wary it almost makes my heart fly out of my chest as I sit up. I know he must have had the same thoughts as me.
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
“I’m fine,” I murmur.
His gaze roves over my body. “You don’t feel any
I’m about to shake my head when I remember Pierre’s advice about breaking arms and legs. “Just on my right hand,” I reply demurely.
His brows furrow in concern. Coming closer he takes my hand in his to inspect it, and I make sure to wince properly when he presses on the part that only remotely hurts.
“Let’s go for a check-up,” he says and starts to rise to his feet, but I immediately grab onto him to sit back down.
“Actually, it feels a bit better now,” I say. “I’m sure it will be fine in a couple of days. I hate hospitals.”
He nods slowly. “Alright then, let me know how it feels tomorrow.”
I move even closer to him and trap him between my legs. He gazes at my stretch of long limbs and my hands holding on lightly to his jacket.
Lowering my eyes I speak in the softest voice I have. “I want something.”
“What is it?” he asks, and my heart stutters in excitement. The door to the house opens then and I look up to see the arrival of his main guard, however when I return my gaze back to Brand I see his eyes fully on me. The guy turns around and goes back out of the room.
“Go on,” he says. Our faces are so close to each other his eyes are like black wells that I can drown in and his breath is tickling my face, and his scent of wood and musk is slowly intoxicating me.
“I want us to go on a date.”
He blinks.
“You know, like a real date. I get dressed up and we go out to eat. Like in Pretty Woman.”
He smiles. “Are you such a child that you think real life is like a movie?”
“No, but I love that movie. Both Mum and me like to watch it together. We do the whole business with popcorn, hotdogs and bags of jelly beans.”