Page 50 of Shiver
The den was busy tonight, the bar my office looked out over jam-packed as patrons entered one after another looking for the next high, searching for the next person to bury their body inside of, and all I could think about was a golden-haired man with pale blue eyes that responded to my every whim with a breathless sigh and a hard dick.
It’d been a long time since I’d been so enamored by another, and it had only ever happened once before. But I was like those milling around the bar out there—a man who’d been in search of his high, one I hadn’t found in over two decades. And unfortunately for Jesse, he happened to be the one who could provide it.
Determined to finish up here so I wouldn’t have to come back until next week, I was about to go through the receipts Trinity had left on my desk when there was a knock on the main door to my office. The door that led out to the first floor—not the back entrance that led down the private stairwells.
“Come in,” I called out, glancing up from the paperwork sprawled across my desk, and Trinity entered, her red corset hugging her waist and her leather miniskirt barely covering her ass as her spiked heels click-clacked their way across the polished hardwood floors. When she came to a stop opposite me, I noticed a frown between her perfectly painted eyebrows. “There a problem?”
The question was redundant, of course. Trinity knew better than to bother me while I was in the middle of doing the books unless she wanted to be fired or worse, but the clipped nod she gave had me tossing down the pen in my hand as I sat back in my chair.
Trinity was a fierce den master. There was nothing she couldn’t handle on her own if need be. But when I was in the building and something unacceptable took place, she knew I took perverse pleasure in reminding those who committed such acts exactly who they were fucking with.
“Yeah. Security spotted one of the dominants on level five slipping a drug into a sub’s drink.”
I steepled my fingers over my stomach. “I assume it was done without the sub’s consent or knowledge.”
Fucking piece of shit. I had hard and fast rules in the den, and one of them was that everything was consensual. “Male? Female?”
“Male. It’s Richard Wagner.”
I sat forward in my chair and looked over to the door. “I assume he’s out there?”
“He is. Security brought him up. I figured you’d want to deal with him.”
I nodded, because deal with him was probably the nicest way to phrase what I was going to do. “Right. Bring him in, then.”
Trinity turned on her heels and headed back in the direction she came. When she got to the door and pushed it open, two of the den’s security guys brought Richard inside. They had a firm grip on each of his biceps, and when they came to a stop just inside the door and let him go, I finally got to my feet.
I was taller than Richard by a good couple of inches, and as I came around the end of my desk, I tugged at the cuffs of my black shirt where they’d risen a little up my forearms. I wandered over to where Trinity stood off to the side and Richard now stood between my two guards. He was dressed much the same as I was, all black, head to toe, but where I had the hair color and temperament to match, he was a dirty blond and had a shit-scared expression on his face.
“Do you know who I am?” I asked. I took immense satisfaction in the way his eyes darted around the room as though looking for a way out. But alas, no such luck, sir. “I asked you a question. Do you know who I am?”
The air of authority in my voice must have registered this time, because he lowered his eyes to the ground, something I knew he likely never did, and replied, “Yes. You’re the Wolfe.”
“That’s correct, and you’re Richard Wagner. Raise your eyes, please. Come now, show some courtesy to the one addressing you.”
As Richard raised his eyes, the flash of worry that crossed them had a cruel smile twisting my lips. He had good reason to be scared. I had a reputation for dealing with rule breakers in my place of business.
As I held his stare, I reached down and unbuttoned one of my cuffs and rolled it up my forearm, prolonging his suffering just a little more. “I hear you’re having a little bit of trouble following the rules tonight, Richard. Is that true?” He gulped once, then twice, and I paused. “Is that true?”
He nodded quickly. I caught the way he bunched his fists and almost laughed at the poor bastard. Yes, please, go ahead and try to hit me.