Page 51 of Shiver
“You have to know by now that I don’t take kindly to people breaking my rules,” I continued, unbuttoning my other cuff and rolling it up my arm. “You see, I don’t have that many, but the ones I do have I expect to be obeyed. Do you understand?”
Richard’s jaw bunched, and I knew I’d just hit him where it hurt, considering he was the one used to issuing the orders, but that was about to stop. Right. Fucking. Now.
Quick as a whip, I reached out and grabbed hold of his cock and balls in an unrelenting grasp that had Richard howling in pain and his eyes watering. He lurched forward, arms rising, as though to grab me, but when security moved in, he dropped his arms and began to whimper instead.
“My number one rule in the den is that everything done is consensual,” I said as I closed in on him until the tips of our shoes touched, and my fingers twisted in a brutal tourniquet. “And you drugging someone so you can then violate them doesn’t count as consensual in my book. You see,” I said through gritted teeth, my anger starting to rise at the disrespect this ingrate had shown. “When a cock is used incorrectly, it’s painful, isn’t it?” I emphasized my point with a vicious twist, and when Richard cried out in pain, I released him, raised my hands, and shoved him hard enough to have him stumbling backward, out through my office door and into the narrow hallway.
I followed, determined now to make my point with this piece of shit, and when his back hit the wall and he reached down between his legs, I grabbed hold of his neck and pinned him in place. He had wet cheeks from his eyes watering from the pain, but I wasn’t done with him yet. I pressed my thumbs to the base of his throat and thrust his head to the side so he was looking down the hallway toward the main doors to the first level. Then I bent my head and said in his ear, “It is a privilege to walk through those doors. One that’s granted by me. So while my name is Wolfe, in here I am also your motherfucking god. And what the lord giveth, he can sure as fuck take away.”
As I brought my knee up between his, he crumpled to the floor, sliding down the wall in a heap, and as I looked down at him, I began to unroll my sleeves. “If I ever catch you in here again, or even sniffing around the door, I’ll cut your dick off and show you how unpleasant it is when used against one’s will. Now get the fuck out of here, before I decide you breathing is more than I can handle.”
As Richard struggled to get to his feet, he slipped back down to the floor several times, and I looked over my shoulder to security. “Get him out of here,” I said to them, and when they brushed by me to pick the piece of shit up off the floor, I glanced up and my eyes locked on to familiar ones. They belonged to Brayden Fairchild—Jesse’s friend. The man who’d first brought him to the Wolfe’s Den that night, and the man I’d watched Jesse with at Breakaway Point. He must’ve just come from the bar, because he had a full drink in his hand, and judging by his expression, he had just witnessed everything that had gone down in the hall. This wasn’t good, especially if he told Jesse. But at the same time, I couldn’t help the sense of gratification I got from knowing that perhaps I had just killed two birds with one stone tonight, because Brayden looked fucking terrified of me, and if he kept sniffing around Jesse, he’d have good reason to be.
So, yes, perhaps this is a good thing, I thought, as my lips curved into a savage grin and I turned on my heel and went back into my office to finish crunching numbers.
A hand clapped me on the back as I was bussing my last table at Lava Java Friday evening. My last table on my last day at—hopefully—my last job as a waiter. I only had about twenty minutes left on my shift and then I was a free man, ready to take on the world.
I glanced over my shoulder to see Andy, a fellow server, smiling sadly at me.
“Gonna miss seeing you around here,” he said. “And Mrs. McCormack is going to be a nightmare to serve. I think you’re the only one she likes.”
Laughing, I finished wiping down the table and picked up the bus tray. “Nah, just remember to switch out her coffee with decaf. She can’t tell the difference and it makes her less feisty.”