Page 46 of King of Campus
“Look, we need to talk.”
Without waiting for an answer, he wraps his fingers around my upper arm before pulling me out of the flow of student traffic. The last thing I need is to be late for class. That will only end up attracting even more unwanted attention. “Finn,” exasperation simmers in my clipped tone, “I don’t have time for this right now. I need to get to class.”
Looking pissed off, he says, “I saw the pictures posted online, Ivy.”
Behind my oversized sunglasses, one of my brows slowly rises. He may not be able to see it but he knows exactly what I’m thinking.
His face reddens before he mutters, “Someone showed them to me. That’s the only reason I even know about the website.”
I can’t help but sigh because this whole thing is just so ridiculous. “Look, he gave me a ride home from work and we ended up getting smoothies. Then we researched our project at the library. That’s it. End of story. Those pictures have totally been taken out of context.”
Wanting him to see the seriousness of my expression, I lift the glasses from my face. “I don’t know why someone would take pictures of us or post them online, making it look like something’s going on when it’s not. But that’s exactly what they did. It’s stupid.”
His shoulders slowly relax as some of the tension drains from his body. Suddenly grabbing my hand, he holds it within his larger one. “I had a really good time on Saturday.” His earnest hazel eyes search mine. “I want to take you out again, Ivy.”
Yeah… I’m not really sure that’s a good idea anymore. And no… it has absolutely nothing to do with a certain dark haired football player who I shouldn’t even be thinking about.
Or his toe curling kisses…
Biting my lower lip, I finally hedge, “Right now isn’t a good time for me. I feel like there’s so much going on with classes and dance…” Because his face is falling, I find myself hastily tacking on, “Maybe in a few weeks, when everything lightens up.”
God, I could really kick myself for saying that. I may have liked Finn freshman year, but I just don’t think I’m into him the way I once was. And I don’t think going out a few more times is going to change that.
I should have just told him the truth.
Looking disappointed, he finally says, “Sure. That sounds good. I’ll text you.”
“Okay.” Glancing around, I realize the thick throng of students has thinned which means I’m probably late for class. Great. “Look, I’ve got to go.”
Without waiting for a reply, I take off, hurrying across campus.
Just as I reach Adler Hall, I see Roan surrounded by a large group of people. Even though I feel kind of lousy for doing it, I duck my head hoping to avoid talking with him. We haven’t spoken since he dropped me off yesterday afternoon, so I have no idea whether he knows about the pictures that have been posted online.
Regardless, this is just business as usual for him.
Me, on the other hand, not so much.
I enjoy the attention and adulation I get from giving a kickass performance on stage. This is nothing like that. It’s notoriety simply for being with someone famous.
And I’m not into that.
I’m just pulling open the heavy glass door that leads inside Adler Hall when a bulging arm reaches around, opening it for me. I’d recognize that ridiculously huge arm anywhere. I don’t even have to glance over my shoulder to see Roan standing behind me.
Is it really bad that I know precisely what he smells like?
I probably don’t have to say this, but I find his cologne completely intoxicating. Those errand thoughts have me wanting to gnash my teeth in irritation. My attraction to Roan is pointless. What I need to do is get a firm grip on my unruly hormones before my life spirals even further out of control than it already has.
“Thanks,” I murmur before rushing through.
He falls right in line with me. “So, are we still on for tomorrow night?”
I nod, knowing there’s no choice in the matter. We have to work on our ethics project and that means spending time collaborating and meshing information. But that doesn’t necessarily mean we have to go out in public… right?
“Um, yeah, but I’m thinking it might be better if we work at my apartment instead of the library.”
His arm snakes around my waist before dragging me to his side. His warm breath feathers across my neck. “If you want to be alone with me, gorgeous, just say the word. You don’t have to create reasons to lure me back to your place.”
He grins rather devilishly before I shove my way out of his arms. My feet come to a standstill as I glare up at him. “I’m not trying to get you alone.” Quickly I glance around, because the last thing I need is to have more photographs surface. Curling my fingers around his wrist, I haul him into a darkened classroom so we can talk privately.