Page 47 of King of Campus
“Look,” I can’t help but bounce uneasily from one foot to the other before finally pushing out the words, “I don’t want to be seen with you.”
The sly grin which had been playing across his face morphs into an expression of shock. And yeah, it makes me feel like a real piece of shit for being the one to put it there. But what else am I supposed to do? I need to distance myself from him. What I don’t need is any more photos making me out to be public enemy number one around here.
The way his voice fills with disbelief has me wincing. “You… don’t want to be seen with me?”
Oh god… is that hurt I hear threading its way through his words?
But still… even though I feel like a real bitch, I continue, “Not after all those pictures were posted, I don’t.”
“What pictures?” He shakes his head in confusion. “What the hell are you talking about, Ivy?”
“Someone took pictures of us yesterday and posted them on your stupid website.”
He looks at me like he doesn’t quite understand what the big deal is. “Okay, first off- it’s not my website. And second- why is that a problem? I mean, we were studying at the library.” Shrugging, he adds, “And we got smoothies. Why are you so upset about it?”
Digging out the phone from my bag, I pull up the website and click on the pictures before shoving it in his face. He takes the phone from me before slowly scrolling through each picture. It only takes a moment for the corners of his mouth to sink and his brows to draw together. Looking decidedly unhappy, he silently hands the phone back to me.
“Now do you understand why I’m upset?”
He jerks his head slightly. “Yeah, I get it.” Silently he plows his long fingers through his inky black hair.
Still feeling like an asshole, I say, “We don’t have time to discuss this right now. We need to get to class. I don’t want to be late.”
“Yeah, okay.” He looks distracted as we leave the room and head towards our business ethics class. Unfortunately, I can tell by the absence of people in the halls that class has already gotten underway.
Is it too much to hope that we can just sneak in unnoticed?
I should have really known better because it’s a well-known fact that Roan never flies under the radar. For god’s sake, there’s a damn website devoted solely to tracking his whereabouts. Like he’s been outfitted with a Lojack or something.
Even though we’re only a minute or two late, Professor Paulson has already begun lecturing. She doesn’t stop when she sees us, but almost everyone turns to see who hasn’t made it to class on time. As my eyes scan all the faces that have swiveled towards us, I see two girls start whispering.
With my head bent, I quickly slink to my desk, but not before a few other girls hold up their phones for what I assume are pictures. My eyes flicker to Roan but he isn’t looking at me, he’s staring straight ahead.
Sliding into my seat, I do the same.
Chapter Fourteen
I have it on excellent authority that the girl Roan has been photographed with is nothing more than a partner for a class project. I think we can all breathe a huge sigh of relief that there’s nothing going on between those two. I mean come on now… this is Roan King we’re talking about. He doesn’t do relationships. Thank goodness for that ;)
I’m sitting in the middle of my bed with my laptop and my French book splayed open in front of me. I have an exam in two days and I’m trying to prepare for it when there’s a light knock on my bedroom door. Since it’s about eight at night, I’ve already showered and changed into a comfy tank top and pair of shorts.
Glancing up, I figure its Lexie. Although she usually just barges right in. I mean, too hell with privacy and all that crap... In her defense, I think we both know I’m not in here having some kind of hot monkey sex with anyone.
I suppose that in and of itself should have been the first tip off that it wasn’t Lexie.
“Since when do you bother knocking,” I call out in response.
As the door gets pushed open, Roan pokes his head around it. “Well… since you’re already pissed at me, I figured I’d better not push it.”
Our eyes collide as his legs eat up the short distance separating us. Somehow my room seems smaller with his mere presence in it. I hadn’t necessarily thought of my room, with its double sized bed and tall wooden bureau, as tiny but it certainly feels that way now.
“Um, hi.” I cock my head to the side as I rack my brain for our study schedule. “Were we supposed to work together tonight?” Because I didn’t think so. I certainly wouldn’t be sitting around in a tank top and tiny sleeping shorts… and no bra, if we were.