Page 8 of Ho Ho Hennessy
Arin tried to get up. “It doesn’t matter who it was. You told me The Last Riders always make sure that the women are satisfied. The one in the other room—”
“Try not to freak out when I tell you this”—Jewell gave her hand a sympathetic squeeze—“but the man you gave a blowjob to isn’t a Last Rider.”
“He isn’t?”
“No, he’s a guest of The Last Riders’. He wasn’t supposed to be here until tomorrow, or I would have warned you about him.”
Arin tore her hand away from Jewell’s to bury her face in her hands. “I made a fool of myself.” She wanted to run into the bathroom and fill the tub with water so she could drown her humiliation.
“Don’t worry about it” Sasha tried to comfort her. “All of us have made asses of ourselves over Hennessy. If you got your mouth on his dick, it’s closer than any of us have been.”
“I’m going home.” She tried to get up once again.
“No, you’re not.” Jewell firmly pushed her back again. “Sasha, unpack her clothes.”
“But …” Arin helplessly watched as the woman started unpacking her clothes. “I just want to die! I’ve never been so humiliated in my life. Marcus was right …”
Jewell rolled her eyes. “You won’t be the first or last woman who Hennessy’s made feel that way. He thinks he’s God’s gift to women.”
Arin raised her lashes skyward. “He kind of is.”
“If you ever say that to him, I’ll make your wish of dying come true.”
“Are you kidding? I don’t want to see him ever again, much less talk with him.”
“I don’t know how long he’s supposed to stay. I’ll ask Viper. Until we find out, you’re not going to hide in here like a scared kitten. You’ve done nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I’m a sexual dud. A dud. Marcus told me that I’m a firecracker without a fuse. He was—”
“So help me God, if you tell me Marcus was right again, I’ll strangle you.”
“Marcus was right,” she finished, courting death.
“Oh my God!” Jewell sat back down next to her. “Take a chill pill. It’s not the end of the world. Look on the bright side. You got over your shyness around men.”
“That doesn’t make me feel better.”
“I wouldn’t feel great if Hennessy left me hanging either.” Jewell stood and took her hands. “Joy, take her downstairs and fix her a drink.”
Arin balked. “What if he’s downstairs?”
Jewell gave her a push toward the door. “Then Joy will bring you back. The rest of us need to get changed. We’ll be down in a few minutes.” Jewell started to turn the doorknob to let them leave.
“You won’t tell anyone else what happened, will you?” Arin pleaded with the women who filled the room, refusing to move until she received their promise.
“I won’t say a single word,” Jewell promised.
“I don’t want to play the game anymore. Will you tell Viper for me?”
“We’ll discuss it when I come downstairs.”
Reaching down to retrieve the bags that Jewell had dropped when she had come in the door, she handed them to her. “Thank you for being so understanding, Jewell.”
“No problem. That’s what friends are for.”
Chapter 4
The blinding light that jerked him awake was the only warning he got before flailing fists had him twisting and trying to get to his feet to defend himself.
“What the fuck!” Hennessy yelled, trying to throw the covers off so he could block the fists that were striking him all over his body.
“You lousy son of a bitch!”
Hennessy was finally able to catch a glimpse of the raging woman and merely because she was screaming into his face.
“Jewell? What—”
Clutching his gut from a vicious blow to his stomach, he unsuccessfully tried to get to his feet again.
“You fucking bastard! It took me years to get her to come here, and you have her fucking wanting to leave!”
“What in the fuck are you talking about?” he shouted back.
“Who’s Arin?”
Dodging blows from at least ten women who had converged on the bed at his question, he glanced around wildly for an escape route. There wasn’t one. He was getting attacked from all directions.
“She’s the one who gave you a blowjob, and you didn’t finish taking care of business! Fucking a-hole! I leave her alone for two fucking hours, and I come back to find her trying to pack her bags and leave!” She flailed her fists at him harder.
“Stop hitting me! Let me wake the fuck up. I haven’t slept in three days—”
“When I get done with you, you’re not going to wake the fuck up.
“Ember, hand me that lamp. I’m gonna brain the motherfucker. The next time a woman gives him a fucking blowjob, he’ll know how to fucking treat her.”
“I didn’t ask for a fucking blowjob!” he yelled back. “I haven’t slept for three days, my dick is frostbitten, and my fucking ass still hasn’t thawed out.”