Page 9 of Ho Ho Hennessy
“Then why in the fuck did you get in her shower?”
He groggily tried to remember. “I got in her shower?”
“You calling my friend a liar?” Jewell yelled, hitting him harder. “I’m gonna keep going until your ass has thawed out. Then you’ll feel my boot when I shove it up there!”
Hennessy tried to move farther down the bed and slide out from the bottom. However, three women blocked him from scooting, crawling on the bed to block him and hitting his legs.
“Cut it out! I’ve had enough!”
Seeing a large man come to the open door, Hennessy recognized him immediately as the culprit for his hangover. “Moon, get these bloodthirsty bitches off me!”
“Jewell, what’s—”
“He was mean as hell to a friend of mine. She wants to leave because of him! I’ve begged her to come here for years! I wanted to show her a good time and that not all men are the scum of the earth! He made her fucking cry!”
Hennessy rolled away from her pummeling fists. “I don’t even remember what I said to her. I was drunk off my ass. Moon can vouch for that. I didn’t ask or want a blowjob from one of The Last Riders’ bitches.”
“She thought you were a Last Rider! If it was a Last Rider, she wouldn’t want to go home! Arin had a shitty husband who treated her like crap, made her feel worthless, and that no man would ever want her! And what did you do? The first man she actually reached out to, to show him that she was a beautiful, sexy woman, and you told her to move out of your way!”
“How in the hell was I supposed to know that shit? It’s not like I read her fucking her mind.”
“You were the one who got in her shower, and didn’t object until you had your happy ending! All you had to do was be nice for five seconds, say something like … like … thanks, catch you later! Five fucking seconds to make her feel like she wasn’t a fucking dud!”
Stori pressed her fingers into his skin, pinching him. “You should have told her your dick wasn’t up to the challenge.”
“Are we even talking about the same woman? She was a strong, black woman who seemed pretty damn sure of herself when she grabbed my dick.”
The hands that were beating him stopped, even Stori stopped pinching him. He shivered at the feral glares directed at him.
“You didn’t just say what I thought you said, did you?” Jewell hissed through clenched teeth.
“Moon …” Any other time, Hennessy would be above asking the other man for help, but the coalition of women were getting angrier and angrier every time he tried to explain.
“Brother, you’re on your own.” Moon left, closing the door behind him.
“Jewell, go to my room and get my gun.”
Hennessy finally awoke enough to watch his words at the request from a woman who was behind his shoulder. He had to crane his neck to see her.
Brown eyes fumed at him. “I’m going to show him how another strong, black woman shoots his ass.”
A blow to the side of his head had him snapping his mouth closed.
Hennessy had to give the sister credit; the punch she landed on him rattled his teeth.
Unable to defend himself without hurting one of the women who wanted to make mincemeat out of him, he raised his hands in the air. “Okay! I’ll go apologize!”
The suggestion was met with even more fury.
Jewell snatched up his jeans and hit him with them. “Don’t you go near Arin,” Jewell coldly warned. “If you want to fix what you did, when morning comes, leave. Viper said you’re supposed to stay for a couple of days; cut your visit short.”
“That won’t be a problem for me.”
Hennessy prepared himself for another onslaught when Jet picked up one of his boots. However, Jewell shook her head.
“You’re so stupid, Hennessy.”
He clenched his jaw at the insult.
“You don’t even realize the best thing walked into your life, and instead of recognizing it, you scared her away. You’re mean, grumpy, and don’t care about anyone but yourself. How many brothers in the Road Kingz have wised up and moved on?”
“Viper’s been talking—”
“Viper doesn’t have to tell me. I’ve been in a motorcycle club long enough to fucking know,” she mocked him. “There isn’t a brother or a woman in The Last Riders who Viper wouldn’t go out of his way to make them feel like they were a part of the club. We’re a family. One that you don’t have, because to do that, you’ll have to sacrifice something you don’t fucking have—a heart. If you had one, you would never have been able to treat Arin the way you did tonight.
“The only fucking way you would have ever been given a chance with a woman of Arin’s caliber is because she gave you one. And when she did, you smashed it with the heel of your boot.