Page 40 of Predestined Hearts
“Before you say anything, Ashlin. I heard it all. You didn’t hang up the phone. When you didn’t hear me calling your name, I hung up and called you back. I heard it all and I don’t care.”
I made an unladylike sniffle. “You can’t mean that, Gael. You heard what he said. If he knew your name, he’d already be causing you problems. I had no idea he was capable of going this far or I would have never put you at risk like this.”
“Ashlin, I’m getting on a plane and coming home.” Drawers sounded like they were opening on the other end of the line.
“Why? No, you can’t.”
The sound stopped and his voice was frantic. “Because, I’m not taking a chance on losing you. I’m going to fight for what I think we can be. I’m choosing this fight, Ashlin. And if I end up with you at the end of the day, that’s all that matters.”
We needed to calm down. “Stay. Please don’t leave. This is a chance of a lifetime for you.”
“Ashlin, you’re more important.” Gael’s urgency in his voice rang through my core. He had heard Harris’ threats and was willing to deal with the storm to be with me.
I rubbed my temple with my free hand. A headache loomed behind my eye sockets. “Please stay in France. Please. You’re not losing me. But if it gets to be too much and you need to end things, I’ll understand, regardless of how bad it hurts. I could never ask you to subject yourself to Harris and his threats.”
He breathed a sigh of relief. “Let me worry about Harris. I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I feel guilty as hell staying here.”
“I want you to stay. I would hate if you missed this opportunity. I still don’t want to announce to anyone we’re dating until you get back. This will be easier if we’re together. Maybe if things stay quiet, it’ll go away.”
Gael was silent for a minute before he responded. “I think it’s best for you not having to deal with him alone. Ashlin, I’m worried about you.”
My mind and body was still wrecked from Harris’ visit. “I’m a little shaken, but I’ll be fine. What are you doing?”
I needed a subject change.
“When we get done talking, I’ll grab some dinner, then go to sleep. We start cooking at three in the morning for breakfast. It’ll be another long day, but I’ll call as often as I can.” Gael seemed to calm down as I did.
We lapsed into easy conversation. Gael told me what France was like. And I told him about my latest projects. I knew he’d heard the comment about my dad, but he didn’t pry and I was grateful. Gael yawned.
“I’m going to let you go. You need to eat and get to bed. You have an early morning and need to be ready for François.”
He yawned again. “Okay, sweetheart. I wanted to tell you something before we hung up. The day I ran into you at Oglethorpe Park wasn’t a coincidence. You had told me the night before as I walked you to the cab. I ran that area for two hours waiting for you to show.”
“You did?” I loved hearing how much Gael had wanted to see me.
He chuckled. “I did. You need to know how much I want to see where this goes. I won’t let anyone get in the way of us. Call me if anything happens. I mean it. I’m in this with you.”
“I will. I’m all in, too. Miss you.”
“Miss you, too. Night.”
I hung up the phone and took a big breath while I rolled my shoulders to relieve some of the tension. Gael had been amazing. If I had been in Gael’s position, I wondered if I would stay and battle it out with the nasty ex. Seeing Gael’s face, and knowing how I felt about him, told me my answer. Yes. I would stay and fight for Gael. Some things were worth risking it all for.
It was two days until Gael came home. My body quaked with excitement with the spoken promises of being with him through our conversations. In one of our phone calls, things had become a little more heated.
I was on the couch under some blankets as Gael and I spoke about our day. The two weeks were crawling by at an almost unbearable pace.
“Only seven more days and I get to kiss you again.” Gael’s abrupt subject change had that familiar need building within me.
Pressing my lips together, I thought about if I wanted to take it a little further. I did. “I thought you were going to make me yours in seven days.”
“I’m kicking myself for not having you before I left. What the hell was I thinking, being all chivalrous? My dreams are consumed with you.” Gael’s husky voice only worsened my need. Every night I had gotten myself off trying to alleviate the overwhelming throb of my core.
Breathing more rapid, my tone betrayed my desires. “You’re not alone, Gael.”
“Next time we’re apart, I’m going to hear you come undone over the phone.”