Page 41 of Predestined Hearts
I was tired of waiting. “Why not now?”
“Because the first time you orgasm for me, I want to be inside you, looking in your eyes. In that moment, there will be no doubt we belong to each other.”
That conversation was what I would use to send me over the edge when the ache became too great to function normally since that night.
In the last two weeks, we had spent hours talking through a free app on our phones. Our connection had grown as we got to know each other. My heart was consumed by Gael and there was no hiding how smitten I had become. Gael didn’t hide that my feelings were reciprocated.
As we talked, Gael had an ability for wringing out the most embarrassing confessions from me. I still couldn’t believe I had told him about when I was in junior high and threw up at the front of the class from nerves while giving a speech. Or when I kissed a guy for the first time and we ended up with bloody noses from not tilting our heads to the side as we came together.
Gael was equally as open with me. When he was a teen, his mom had walked in on him looking at a Playboy magazine. It had been his dad’s. Gael had tried to toss it behind him when she entered, but instead, threw it the wrong way. He hit his mom in the head. Thinking of it still caused me to laugh.
Overall, I had spent my days buried in work and had finished several projects ahead of schedule. I’d be able to keep my schedule light through the holidays.
Harris had been quiet since his bombardment into my home. I had received a few texts ranging from, are you ready to come home? Or are you still seeing that guy? I didn’t respond and changed my number. However, I had called the reporter who had published the article about the less than flattering article in The Post. Currently, he was off on assignment. The supervisor had assured me he would call me back when he returned. Right. As long as there weren’t anymore, I would let it stay as is. Stirring more drama would only bring more problems.
The only other person who knew about what Harris had done was Amelia. She was ready to castrate him, but agreed that lying low was the best route for now. She hoped to come down soon with Steven to meet Gael. I held off on giving Amelia a date until we had some actual time together.
Checking the time, I knew Gael would be calling in the next fifteen minutes. Class was postponed as Chef François had a television crew coming to his kitchen to do a show for the Food Network. To make up the time, the classes had been longer the previous three days.
I turned off all the lights, locked the door and headed to my room. As I brought the covers up, my phone rang.
“Good morning.” It was different thinking how Gael was already starting the next day.
“Evening, sweetheart. Only two more days and I get to hold you.” The longing in his voice had me internally doing somersaults.
Hugging my pillow, I thought about how close we were to seeing each other. “I know. I can’t wait. Was it nice to sleep in?”
“You have no idea. I plan on sleeping for a day with you in my arms when I get back.”
Two more days. Only two more days.
I squirmed at the raw sensuality of his voice. Hopefully there wouldn’t be too much sleeping. “I like the sound of that.”
“So, I was thinking.” Gael dramatically paused. “Maybe today you could read the next section of the journal. I know you’ve been dying to see what happens to Daniel and Sophia. They really shook things up last time we read them.”
Gael and I had agreed to only go on the journey together. It had been hard not to slip and read ahead, but I loved that this was something we would always have. Could I read it aloud if they got naughty again?
Gael used his persuasive cajoling tone. “You know you want to.”
The journal sat on the dresser waiting to be opened. Taunting me to read it. Maybe they would sip tea and only talk about the weather. Yeah, right. Knowing I was going to say yes, I still stalled, mentally preparing myself for giving a sex play-by-play to someone over the phone. “You’re using that tone again.”
The low rumble of his laughter did things to me. Part of me was afraid I was going to tackle Gael with wild abandonment on the spot when he came home. Get a grip, Ashlin. Have a little self-control. That had been on constant repeat in my mind for the last twelve days. Thank goodness he didn’t have another trip like that planned.
“Is it working?”
Already up and grabbing the journal, I got back under the covers. “Yes, it is. I’ve been dying to see what happens.”
“I hope they’re really naughty.”
“Of course they’re going to be naughty.” I swallowed hard. “Okay, let me find where we left off.” I took the metal bookmark out and read.
THE MOMENT I walked into the room, I felt him. Glancing around, I smiled when my eyes landed upon him.
Nelly leaned in and whispered, “Your betrothed appears to be quite taken with you.”