Page 24 of The Wives
“No need honeybee, I understand just let me handle it and before you ask Janine no I’m not going to tell you what I’m going to do just be grateful she’ll most likely be breathing when I’m done and that’s all I’m willing to promise right now.”
I got them calmed the fuck down while I was seething and out for blood, after we hung up I called up an old buddy of mine and told him what I needed, I was going to find a way to get the parasite taken care of once and for all.
Zade was one of the only people who knew about my life, we’d been friends since junior high and the other man was the closest thing to a brother I had and I’m sure he wasn’t going to be too pleased when I told him what was going on with his niece and nephews and the threat we were all now facing. The fact that he’s an ex Seal with his own security consultant firm was what I needed most now though.
“Brad my brother what’s going on bro, I didn’t miss a birthday did I? Chelsea’s isn’t for another few weeks or so.”
“Nah brother you’re good though I have a bit of a problem.” I gave him a brief rundown to the sound of his swearing and having a fit on the other line. “Why haven’t you dealt with this shit a long time ago bro, I cant believe you’d leave a threat like that hanging around this long haven’t I taught you anything?”
“She’s Janine’s mom man I didn’t want to have to go there ya know but this shit decided it for me, I can’t have my family living under threat all the time.”
“Give me twenty four hours and we’ll have something by then.”
“That fast?”
“Sometimes these thing can take time but this is personal it’s family so I’ll call in some markers no problem.”
“Thanks bro this means a lot now let me go see to my girls, call me as soon as.”
“Will do catch you later.”
I told the overzealous secretary that I had something to do and won’t be back for the rest of the day to which she seemed way too disappointed. Whatever I didn’t have time to deal with her shit right now.
I was in my car and on my way home almost half an hour after the call, maybe I should work from home more often, it’s something that I do a few times a month but with these new developments and who knew where this shit was going to end I think I should stay closer to home for the next little while.
My family was all huddled together in our custom built California king sized bed, the kids in the middle some sleeping and some being read to by Marcy.”
“Hey girls.” They jumped off the bed and ran to me; I held out my arms and drew them in holding them close to my heart as I looked over their heads at the twins who stared back at me from where they lay surrounded by bunting or whatever the fuck you call it while their sister and three older brothers were asleep. This was my family, mine, they belonged to me and I wasn’t going to lose any of them not ever.
I kept them busy and their minds occupied with everything we had to do incase of the worst, I wasn’t taking anything for granted. Elizabeth Stanton is one of those high society types, the type who shows the world one face while living a lie, she’s the type that gave women with money who actually were happy a bad name, because she’s everyone’s ideal of the quintessential deluded housewife, the only one she was fooling was herself if she thought others didn’t see through her bullshit. If the wealthy didn’t want the rest of the world to know what actually went on in their lives they shouldn’t have let the Hollywood bigs make nighttime soap operas. That’s exactly what her life was like, her daughter had already told me some of what she saw and to some extent suspected about her home life, I guess Elizabeth forgot or was so narcissistic that she wouldn’t expect her daughter to share those things not even with her husband whom she loved.
They were all pretty clingy all that day and I handed out a lot of hugs and reassuring kisses and then the kids woke up and they felt the tension and grew cranky themselves and I was ready to hunt the bitch down myself and pitch her ass of my roof. Janine poor thing was feeling it the worse, it was her mother after all and though I in no way held her responsible for her mother’s behavior there was no telling her that. I’m not one for moping and I sure as shit was not going to let Elizabeth ruin another minute of my day, I knew part of their fear was that Elizabeth knew where we lived. So I came up with a great idea on the spot.