Page 25 of The Wives
“Let’s go to the beach house.”
I got up from the couch where I’d been sitting between them as they huddled like refuges; enough of this shit, no one was going to make my fucking wives afraid, no one was allowed to exert that type of power over me and mine. Fuck that.
There was a lot of squealing and excited murmurs as I got another round of hugs and longer kisses this time before they rushed off to pack. I called Zade and told him our plans and he said he’d get the information to me no matter where I was and if anything it was only a few short hours by the Stream from there to here.
I drove out to the airfield and checked in with control to make a flight plan, it was pretty last minute and the guy tried giving me shit but money always talks in these situations. We got the kids settled and Janine and Anna sat back there while Marcy kept me company in the cockpit. My little tomboy is into all this shit in fact she only needed a dozen or so more flights up and she would be licensed.
“How’re you really doing Marce?”
“Much better now that I know that viper can’t get to us or the kids.” Yeah I guess I called that one.
“Don’t worry about Elizabeth like I said Zade is on it everything’s going to be fine.”
“Thanks for taking care of us, I think we were all at the brink of freaking out.” She put her hand in my lap and rubbed. It didn’t take much more than that to have my cock sitting up to take notice. Her nail tips felt fucking amazing trailing up and down my growing stiffness and I was soon pushing up into her hand. I made sure the coordinates were set before I lifted her head and fed her my tongue. She was hungry because she tried to tongue fuck my mouth, I let her have her way in the tongue wrestle while going for her small hard nipples. She broke our kiss and lifted the end of my tee shirt so she could get at my abs, which she licked and sucked as I finished removing my shirt. By the time I threw it over onto the other chair she was releasing my cock from my jeans. She studied my cock before licking my slit where pre cum had already begun to form. I pushed my hands through her straight as a pin hair as she lowered her head and took my crown into her mouth and sucked. She knew how to tease my cock with her tongue to get me ready to spew in no time. She bobbed her head up and down as she took me deeper and deeper with each swallow. Her hands came up and took my balls gently so she could roll them before she was holding my cock up against my stomach and licking my balls. I thrust my hips in the air until my cock was buried once more in her throat. Throat fucking at about thirty thousand feet in the air is nothing to scoff at let me tell ya.
She sucked me off until I came down her throat and then cleaned me up and got back in her seat.
“Damn I needed that.” She wiped her mouth and grinned at me. One down two to go, one thing about stressful situations in this family, pussy was plentiful add in the fresh air from the beach that seemed to make them more relaxed and loose and I’m pretty sure my cock was in for a workout.
Chapter 9
The place needed airing out since it had been months since we were last here and there hadn’t been any time to call ahead and have the service run someone out here to fix it up. It didn’t matter though because as soon as we got there I could feel the tensions evaporating form among my family and that’s all I gave a shit about right now.
The kids were a little grumpy about being awakened after their short naps on the flight over but we soon had them settled again. It was still afternoon so I headed into the little town off the keys and stocked up, I said hello to a few of the locals who we’ve been seeing for the past few years since we started coming down here again. The place had been my parent’s and I’d spent a lot of time here growing up so when they’d decided to sell I told them I was interested and bought it at a steep drop in price even tough they knew I could pay asking price, they hadn’t even wanted me to pay instead offering to gift it but id nixed that idea. My parents have been pretty understanding about our lifestyle, maybe because they had years to prepare for it ever since I had told my dad at sixteen that its how I saw my life playing out. At first he’d thought it was just the ramblings of a horny teen but when he realized I was dead serious first he tried to talk me out of it, then he tried to get me to understand how hard things might be for me and my future wives if according to him I could even find women willing to go along with my crazy notions, his words. Then he’d got me as much information as he could find on the subject, believe it or not there was a lot on women having multiple husbands or even couples sharing but hardly anything about one man with multiple wives unless we went back to biblical times which hey that was good enough for me; but if I wanted to find anything modern it was either about some cult that had been vilified in the media or I had to move to the middle east to live in peace. I said screw that I was doing it right here in the good old US of A. Now the fact that we don’t advertise does not mean that I hide my wives or my kids, that would be a shit fuck thing to do in my opinion, to talk these women into becoming mine only to belittle their place in my life by denying them, and in effect denying my kids. As far as I’m concerned we’re all adults and our children aren’t suffering shit so the world as I’ve said before could go fuck itself.