Page 25 of Maid for a Magnate
The jealousy stemmed from the thought of his brother settling down with his own family. Will hadn’t given much thought to family before. He’d been raised to focus solely on taking over Rowling Energy one day.
Will tapped on the etched glass front door to James and Bella’s temporary home. They were living here until they knew for sure where they wanted to be permanently. They were in the middle of renovating the old farmhouse that belonged to the Montoros and James had mentioned that they’d probably end up there.
But for now, this house was ideal. It was near the beach, near the park and near Bella’s family. Family was important to the Montoros...and yet Will was still thrilled he’d dodged that clan.
The door swung open and Bella greeted him with a smile. “Will, this is a surprise. Come on in.”
Clutching the doll he’d brought as a present, Will stepped over the threshold. “I should’ve called, but I really thought of this last-minute.”
Bella smoothed her blond hair behind her shoulders. “This is fine. Maisey and James are in the living room. They just finished breakfast and they’re watching a movie.”
Her blue eyes darted down to his hands. “I’m assuming that’s for Maisey?”
Will nodded. “I haven’t played the good uncle yet. Figured it was time I started spoiling her.”
Bella’s smile lit up her face. “She’s going to love it.”
The thought of being married to this woman did nothing for Will. Yes, she was stunning, but he’d never felt the stirrings of lust or need when he’d been around her. Their fathers never should have attempted to arrange their engagement, but thankfully everything had worked out for the least where Bella and James were concerned. They were a unified family now.
The thought of his black sheep, playboy brother snuggling up with a baby girl and watching some kid flick was nearly laughable. But Will also knew that once James had learned he had a child, his entire life had changed and his priorities had taken on a whole new order, Maisey being at the top.
Bella led Will through a wide, open-arched doorway to a spacious living room. Two pale yellow sofas sat facing each other with a squat, oversized table between them. An array of coloring books and crayons were scattered over the top of the glossy surface.
James sat on one of the sofas, legs sprawled out before him with Maisey on his lap. James’s short hair was all in disarray. He still wore his pajama bottoms and no shirt, and Maisey had a little pink nightgown on; it was obvious they were enjoying a morning of laziness.
As Will stepped farther into the room, James glanced over and smiled. “Hey, brother. What brings you out?”
Bella sat at the end of the couch at her husband’s feet. Maisey crawled over her father’s legs and settled herself onto Bella’s lap. Will looked at his niece and found himself staring into those signature Rowling aqua eyes. No denying who this baby’s father was.
“I brought something for Maisey.” Will crossed the room and sat on the edge of the coffee table. “Hey, sweetheart. Do you like dolls?”
What if she didn’t like it? What if she didn’t like him? Dammit. He should’ve planned better and called to see what Maisey actually played with. He’d just assumed a little girl would like a tiny stuffed doll.
“Her dress matches your nightgown,” Bella said softly to the little girl.
Maisey kept her eyes on him as she reached for the toy. Instantly the blond hair went into Maisey’s mouth.
“She likes it.” James laughed. “Everything goes into her mouth these days.”
Will continued to stare at his niece. Children were one area where he had no clue, but if James said Maisey liked it, then Will had to assume she did.
James swung his legs to the floor and leaned forward. “You hungry?” he asked. “We still have some pancakes and bacon in the kitchen.”
“No, I’m good. I’m getting ready to pick up Cat, so I can’t stay anyway.”
James’s brows lifted as he shot Bella a look. “Is this a date?”
Will hadn’t intended on telling anyone, but in growing closer with James over the past couple months, he realized he wanted this bond with his twin. Besides, after their conversation last night, James pretty much knew exactly where Will stood in regards to Cat.
He trusted James, that had never been an issue. The issue they’d had wedged between them stemmed from their father always doting on one brother, molding him into a disciple, while ostracizing the other one.