Page 26 of Maid for a Magnate
“I’m taking her out on my yacht,” Will told him. “We’re headed to one of the islands for the day. I’m hoping for total seclusion. Most tourists don’t know about them.”
There was a small cluster of islands off the coast of Alma. He planned on taking her to Isla de Descanso. The island’s name literally meant Island of Relaxation. Cat deserved to be properly pampered and he was going to be the man to give her all of her needs...every single one.
“Sounds romantic.” Bella shifted Maisey on her lap as she stared at Will. “I wasn’t aware you and Catalina were getting more serious.”
James laughed. “I think they’ve been sneaking.”
“We’re not serious and we’re not sneaking,” Will defended himself. “Okay, fine. We were sneaking, but she’s private and she’s still leery of me.”
“You can’t blame her,” James added.
Will nodded. “I don’t, which is why we need this time away from everything. Plus she’s working like crazy for Dad and she’s never appreciated.”
James snorted. “He barely appreciates his sons. You think he appreciates a maid? I was worried when he moved into my old house. I tried to warn her, but she said she could handle it and she needed the job.”
Will hated the thought of her having to work. Hated how much she pushed herself for little to no praise and recognition.
“Well, I appreciate her,” Bella chimed in. “I saw how hard she worked the dinner last night. I can’t imagine the prep that she and the cooks went through, plus the cleanup after. Catalina is a dedicated, hard worker.”
“She won’t stay forever,” James stated as he leaned over and ruffled Maisey’s hair.
Will sat up straighter. “What do you mean?”
His brother’s eyes came back to meet his. “I’m just saying someone who is such a perfectionist and self-disciplined surely has a long-term goal in mind. I can’t imagine she’ll want to play maid until she’s old and gray. She hinted a few times when she worked for me that she hoped to one day leave Alma.”
Leave Alma? The thought hadn’t even crossed Will’s mind. Would Cat really go somewhere else? Surely not. Her mother still worked here. She used to work for Patrick, but years ago she had suddenly quit and gone to work for another prominent family. Cat had been with the Rowlings for five years, but James was right. Someone as vibrant as Cat wouldn’t want to dust and wash sheets her entire life. He’d already seen the toll her endless hours were taking on her.
Will came to his feet, suddenly more eager than ever to see her, to be alone with her. “I better get going. I just wanted to stop by and see Maisey before I headed out.”
James stood as well. “I’ll walk you to the door.”
Bidding a goodbye to Bella and Maisey, Will followed his brother to the foyer.
“Don’t say a word about Cat and me,” Will said.
Gripping the doorknob, James nodded. “I’m not saying a word. I already know Dad would hate the idea and he’s interfered enough in our personal lives lately. And I’m not judging you and Catalina. I actually think you two are a good match.”
“Thanks, man, but don’t let this happily-ever-after stuff you have going on filter into my world. I’m just spending time with Cat. That’s all.” Will gave his brother a one-armed man hug. “I’ll talk to you next week.”
Will headed toward his car, more than ready to pick up Cat and get this afternoon started. He planned to be in complete control, but he’d let her set the tone. As much as he wanted her, he wasn’t going to pressure her and he wasn’t going to deceive her.
Yes, there was the obvious appeal of the fact that his father would hate Will bedding the maid, but he wouldn’t risk her job that way even to get petty revenge on his domineering father.
Besides, Cat was so much more than a romp. He couldn’t figure out exactly what she was...and that irritated him.
But now he had another worry. What was Cat’s ultimate goal in life? Would she leave Alma and pursue something more meaningful? And why did he care? He wasn’t looking for a ring on his finger and he wasn’t about to place one on hers, either.
Still, the fact that she could leave bothered him more than he cared to admit.
Will pushed those thoughts aside. Right now, for today, all he was concerned with was Cat and being alone with her. All other world problems would have to wait.