Page 62 of A Royal Temptation
“You would?”
“Yes. Isn’t it why you initially lied about the reason you broke off your engagement?”
“Maybe yes?”
“Okay, yes. That’s why I lied. It was inevitable that we had to break up, so why should both of us go down with the ship? I was to blame. It was my family’s illicit behavior that put us in this position. Juan Carlos didn’t need to suffer, too.”
“I thought so.” Maria selected a pastry and eased it onto her plate. “Juan Carlos is very lucky.”
Portia scoffed. “Hardly. I’m a fraud.”
“No, you’re not, Portia. You may not be a princess, but that’s not all you are. Juan Carlos believes in your love.”
“Then why isn’t he here? Never mind. I’m glad he’s not. It was hard enough breaking it off with him the first and second time.”
Maria chewed her raspberry cheese tart with a thoughtful expression on her face. “The third time’s the charm, they say. And he’s not here, because well, he wants to see you again. In fact, it’s urgent that he see you. But he wants you to come to Alma. What he has to say must be said in Del Sol.”
“Me? Go back to Alma? I couldn’t possibly.”
“I was afraid you’d say that. I’m not to leave here without you, but...I think I have something that will change your mind.”
“Nothing much could change my mind.”
“Wait right here. I have something in my car. I’ll only be thirty seconds,” Maria said, rising. “Don’t you think about putting those pastries away.”
Portia smiled despite the mystery unfolding. What on earth was Maria up to?
Just seconds later, Maria walked back into the dining room holding a large package wrapped in brown paper. The box was the size of a small television or a microwave. Ridiculous.
“What do you have there?”
“Oh, no, I’m not telling. You have to open it. First read the note.”
“I don’t see a note?”
“It’s inside.”
Portia stared at Maria and shook her head. Nothing would get her to change her mind. But she had to admit, she was intrigued. Her eye began to twitch. Damn. Stop it. Okay, she was nervous.
“Go on,” Maria said.
Portia dug her fingers into the wrapping and tore it away. Paper flew in all directions. An envelope with her name on it taped to the box popped into her line of vision. She lifted it off, pulled the note out and read it silently.
Portia, sweetheart,
Give me another chance to prove my love.
This was to be my wedding gift to you.
I hope you will accept it and me back into your life.
It speaks for itself.
Juan Carlos
Tears trickled down her face. The note was short, but held the words that could make all things possible. She loved Juan Carlos. Would always love him. And now, dare she take a chance? What could he have possibly sent that would impact her more than those loving words?
“Open the box, Portia.”
“I’m afraid to,” she said, eyeing the lid, her body shaking so badly she could hardly move. “What if it isn’t...”
“It is. Trust me,” Maria said.
Portia pulled open the lid and found yet another box. She lifted it out and set it on the table, staring at the ornate workmanship on the box, the beautiful wood carvings of intricate design.
She undid the latch and slowly eased the lid open. She eyed her gift and a soft gasp rose up from the depths of her throat. This was amazing. Sweet. The gesture meant more to her than anything else she could imagine. Her lips began to quiver, her heart pounded and her tears fell like heavy rain.
“It’s the s-statue. My favorite p-piece of the artwork we...” She gulped and whispered, “It’s from the hidden treasure we uncovered.” A man reaching his hand out for the woman he loves. “Almas Iguales. Equal Souls.”
* * *
A royal chauffeur met her at the Del Sol airport terminal, grabbing up her suitcases and guiding her toward the limousine parked just outside the entrance. She was taking a giant leap of faith coming here, offering up her heart once again. But Juan Carlos had done the one thing, given her the one gift that could change her mind. His generous gesture told her he understood her, believed in her and wanted her back in his life. She didn’t see how it was possible. She didn’t know what terms Juan Carlos would dictate to her when she arrived. Could she bank on his integrity? Could she trust in him enough to believe there was a solution to their dilemma?