Page 63 of A Royal Temptation
His gift had jarred her into believing the best was yet to come. But as the hours had worn on, she’d started to doubt again. It had taken Maria and Jasmine both to convince her that if she didn’t travel to Del Sol and give it one last try, she would live to regret it.
“He’s been solely devoted to you since the minute he set eyes on you,” Maria had said.
“Think of your time at the farmhouse,” Jasmine had prodded. “How many other men would rescue feral cats and give them a good home, much less a royal palace, to make you happy? And don’t forget how he battled a snake to keep you safe. He’s been there for you, Portia. And he’ll be there for you again.”
“Go, give your love another chance,” they’d both chorused.
So here she was back in Del Sol where in less than an hour, Juan Carlos would address the citizens of his country in a speech that would set the tone for his rule.
The driver opened the limo door. “Thank you.” She slid inside and immediately turned, startled to find Juan Carlos in the seat beside her.
“Hello, sweetheart.”
The richness in his voice seeped into her soul. She faced the most handsome man she’d ever known. His eyes were deep dark shades of coffee and cocoa, flecked with hints of gold, and he was gazing at her in that intense way that made her heart soar. His smile was warm, welcoming and filled with the confidence she lacked at the moment. Oh, how she’d missed him. A whisper broke from her lips. “Juan Carlos.”
“I am glad you came.”
He didn’t reach for her, didn’t try to touch her, and she was glad. She had to catch her breath just from seeing him. Anything more would send her into a tailspin. “I, uh, I don’t know why I’m here.”
He sighed. “It’s because you love me.”
She couldn’t deny it. “Yes.”
“And I love you, above all else. I have misjudged you and I am truly sorry, my love. I hope your being here means you have forgiven me.”
A lump formed in her throat. How could she explain the complexities of her feelings? “I do forgive you. Though it hurt, I realized you reacted as anyone might.”
“But I am not just anyone, Portia. I am the man who loves you unconditionally. And I should have recognized that sooner. I should have believed in you.”
“Yes. But that wouldn’t have changed the outcome. Our situation is impossible, Juan Carlos.”
He only smiled. “Did you like my gift?”
Tears welled in her eyes. “It’s magnificent. I was truly surprised by the gesture.”
“Not a gesture, sweetheart. It’s a gift from my heart to yours. And I have another gift for you. One that will make all things possible. I am only asking for your trust. Do I have it?”
She hesitated for only a moment. And in that moment, she realized that yes, she trusted him with her life. She trusted him to make the right decision. She trusted him. With. Her. Heart. She nodded.
He took her hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing the softest, most reverent kiss there. The sweetness of the gesture left her floating on air. “I have missed you.”
Their eyes met then. His were unflappable, determined, loving. She saw everything she needed in their brown depths. Then his hands were on her, cupping her face, his thumbs stroking her cheeks as his gaze flowed over her face. She was out of her depths now, living in the moment, heat crawling up from her belly to lick at her. When his lips rained down on hers, devouring her mouth in a kiss to beat all kisses, tremendous hunger swept her up and carried her away.
His groans matched her unbridled sighs. “I cannot live without you in my life,” he murmured between kisses.
“I feel the same,” she whispered, as he dragged her farther into his embrace. She was nearly atop him now. His hands were in her hair, his tongue sweeping through her mouth, their bodies trembling, aching.
“We have arrived, Your Highness,” the driver announced through the speaker. They’d arrived? She didn’t remember them taking off.
Juan Carlos stilled. “All right,” he said to the chauffeur.
They had indeed arrived at a secluded private entrance in the west wing of the palace.
Juan Carlos sighed heavily and pulled away from her. “One day, we will finish this in the limo.”
“I’ll look forward to that.” Her eyelid fluttered. Heavens, another unintended wink? She was hopeless.
Intense heat entered his eyes and a savage groan rumbled from his chest. “You are a temptation, Portia,” he said. He took a second to smooth the hair he’d just mussed. The care with which he touched her and gently pulled tendrils away from her face sent shivers down her spine. Then he smiled wide and destroyed her for good. “You will attend my speech?”