Page 22 of Curse of the Asuune
“Maybe that would help me fit in better,” Mark laughed. He was still angry, but Sarah was intoxicating, hearing her make jokes was impossible for him to resist.
“You want to be invisible, just dress like you do for work and no one will even look twice at you. There are some clothes in the bathroom that I had someone pick up from your house. I hope they still fit,” Sarah said with a snicker.
Still fit? What did she mean? When Mark entered the bathroom he looked in the mirror and he knew exactly what she meant. His arms and chest, even his legs had gotten sturdier. He looked like he worked out every day for a year. A week ago he was concerned about the fact that he was starting to get a beer belly but his abs were clearly visible now. What was happening to him? Although, putting on some muscle was probably the best thing that had happened that week, it was still strange.
“I’m gonna have to stop calling you cutie,” Sarah said through the bathroom door. “I bought you another shirt, two sizes bigger, after I saw you at work I realized how special you were.”
Mark heard Sarah walk away from the door, so he started up the shower and got in. After his shower, which he needed a lot more than he realized, he got out and silently thanked Sarah for the larger shirt. The pants weren’t such a big deal, he had always worn his pants a little larger than they needed to be in case of shrinkage in the dryer. Also they just felt more comfortable when they were baggy.
Mark exited the bathroom while drying his hair with the hotel towel so he couldn’t see that Sarah had company.
“So where we going now? I think I can live without stopping at the house. But we need to talk about…” Mark smelled them first, the horrible stench of vampires. He removed the towel from his head and saw two large men beside Sarah and a smaller man behind her with a foot long blade to her throat.
“No funny stuff there, lover boy,” the smaller man said. “You won’t make it to her before I can remove her pretty little head.”
“Mark, just sit down and let me handle this,” Sarah said, winking at him.
Why was Sarah winking? Either way, sitting sounded like a great idea. He wasn’t about to take on these men. He might have put on a little muscle but these mean looked like they could snap him in half.
“Back to our conversation, sweetheart. Is his daughter really dead?” the short man asked as he leaned over to talk in Sarah’s ear.
“Don’t hurt her,” Mark said through gritted teeth.
“I’ve got this, Mark.” Again Sarah winked.
“Yes, I killed her to keep her from becoming a vampire. I blamed it on Mark, but it was me. He’s about to be seriously pissed at me right now, so holding me hostage might not be your best move,” Sarah said and winked at Mark again.
Mark got the hint now. “You killed Katie?!” Mark yelled as he stood up, shooting the chair across the room behind him.
“I’m so sorry Mark, they would have turned her into a vampire. I had no choice.” Sarah smiled a little at Mark, but just long enough to let him know he was on the right track.
The two larger men turned to look at the smaller one.
“Wait, so we can’t…” Before the smaller man could finish his sentence Sarah grabbed the blade and thrust it all the way through his leg, bone and all. While the small man struggled in agony, trying to get the blade dislodged from his femur Sarah attacked one of the larger men. She hit him in the chest hard enough that all Mark heard was the sound of breaking ribs, the man didn’t flinch. He threw a punch at Sarah but Sarah was incredibly fast. She ducked out of the way and kicked the other large man behind her in the knee, again Mark heard the sound of snapping bone as this man fell to the floor in pain. Mark could barely keep up as the three of them fought. Sarah was amazing, he doubted they even got one hit on her. Before long both men were on the floor, Sarah had broken their necks.
“Breaking their necks will not kill them but it does take quite a while to repair. Let’s get…” Sarah was cut off mid-sentence as the foot long blade came out the middle of her chest. The small man had somehow wrenched it from his leg.
“Not going anywhere now, sweetheart,” the man laughed.
Mark was overcome with rage. He ran across the room and hit the man in the head. Mark was not a good fighter, he had intended to hit the man in the jaw but his aim was off. The smaller man shook his head and came at Mark with the blade.
“I can’t kill you but I can cut you up real good before Sariel gets here,” the man said with an evil smile.
Mark wasn’t listening, he was still consumed with rage. The blade sunk into his stomach and Mark ignored it. He grabbed the hand that was holding the blade and pulled as hard as he could. The man’s arm tore apart at the socket and it fell to the floor, still bleeding.
“I’m going to fucking kill you! You killed Sarah!” Mark yelled as he grabbed the blade and drew it back to cut off the man’s head.
As he swung downward, someone caught his arm, someone much stronger than he was. He saw painted red fingernails. It was Sarah, she wasn’t dead.