Page 23 of Curse of the Asuune
“We don’t kill!” Sarah scolded him.
Sarah removed the blade from Mark’s hand effortlessly then shoved it in the smaller man’s chest and said. “Pay back is a bitch.” Then she snapped his neck as well.
“I’m sorry, Sarah,” Mark begged.
“It’s ok, I appreciate the sentiment, but you’re forgetting there are only two ways to kill us and stabbing through the heart isn’t one of them,” Sarah scolded again, much quieter this time.
“Right,” Mark said, ashamed that he had let her down so soon.
“His arm though, that’s not gonna heal for a very long time. Feel sorry for him…almost,” Sarah smiled at the end. She was sort of devious when she wanted to be.
“We need to get out of here, Sariel is coming,” Sarah said hurriedly as she ran to the door. She quickly opened the door then shut it again. “Umm, plan B.”
“What’s going on?” Mark implored.
“Well…Sariel is here.” Sarah was searching around the room looking for something. “So, we need to…not be here.” Sarah had found what she was looking for. “In here.”
Sarah pulled up a small door hidden in the floor revealing what looked like a garbage shoot. As soon as Mark got close he was sure it was a garbage shoot. He could smell the garbage below.
“No squirming, just get in and hold your breath,” Sarah commanded.
“Yes ma’am,” Mark replied then jumped feet first into the shoot. He was not about to argue with Sarah, she was a badass and he clearly was not. She disarmed him with such ease and her grip was like a steel trap. She probably could have ripped his arm off with much less effort than it had taken Mark.
At the bottom Mark tried to get out of the way as fast as he could but Sarah landed right on top of him. She ended up sitting right on his chest as he lay face up. Mark found himself wanting Sarah again. If only this was under different circumstances.
“Prince charming I presume?” Sarah quipped.
“Prince dumpster, more like it,” Mark groaned. “Not that you’re heavy, cause you’re not, but can you get off my chest?”
“Oh I see, I save your life and all you can say is ‘Sarah quit crushing my spleen’,” Sarah said in her best Mark voice as she wiggled her way to the edge of the dumpster.
“Now that’s the Sarah I…” Mark paused, was he really going to say that?
“What was that?” Sarah laughed as she removed the garbage from her clothes.
“That’s the Sarah I know,” Mark quickly covered. Was he really just about to say that?
“We better get moving, Sariel will find that hatch soon enough. Let’s find some clean clothes… again!” Sarah complained as she looked down at her once white shirt. “I really liked this shirt.”
“Yeah, that gaping, bloody hole in your chest isn’t flattering,” Mark joked.
“Says the guy with arm guts all over his white shirt?” Sarah retorted.
“Fair point,” Mark conceded as the two of them carefully crept their way out of the alley and on to the street.
Sarah led the way down the alley, not that Mark couldn’t have found his way but he had no idea where she was going. Also, he was enjoying the view as Sarah led the way.
Chapter 9
After what seemed like an hour Sarah ducked into a novelty tee-shirt shop while Mark hid in the alley. He was, after all, a wanted fugitive now. He couldn’t just walk into a store and buy clothes. What was more, his shirt was torn and covered with blood. Even if they didn’t recognize him from TV the blood would get too much unwanted attention. Sarah, on the other hand, was not a wanted fugitive and she had found an old jacket to throw over her shirt and conceal the still healing wound in her chest. The lull in the action gave Mark time to ponder everything that had happened to him over the last few days and grief began to set in again. Now, not only was the love of his life dead, his daughter believed he had killed her. He would never see either of them again, he was all alone. Why was this happening to him? Just a few short days ago he had the perfect life, now it was all gone.
Mark was snapped out of his wallowing when Sarah came around the corner practically skipping.
“Got us some shirts!” she squealed. How could Sarah be so upbeat? Maybe she was used to this. She was very old and surely had seen her share of blood and death.
Mark stared at Sarah’s shirt in disbelief.
“I thought we were going for inconspicuous? Every guy between the ages of thirteen and seventy-five will be staring at you until we leave the city,” Mark exclaimed, motioning to Sarah’s choice of shirts. He knew he would be staring at her. In fact, he couldn’t take his eyes off her chest right now.
“Well they didn’t have anything big enough for my chest and I liked this one,” Sarah exclaimed, giving a twirl to show off for Mark.
Her shirt was about a size too small and across the front of the black shirt was a neon yellow owl with his eyes directly over her breasts. The quote along the bottom said ‘Hoot if you like boobs.’
“I figured you’d find it amusing,” Sarah smirked.