Page 35 of Curse of the Asuune
“Mark, we need to talk,” Agnus started.
“I’m really sorry about last night, I didn’t mean to swear. I just felt really stupid calling Sarah Jen,” Mark explained.
“That’s not what I want to talk to you about,” Agnus continued. Mark sat down on a chair near their table. This looked serious. “Sarah left this morning, she had more business she needed to attend to.”
Mark’s stomach sank. He felt like someone had just pulled the chair out from under him. How could he apologize, explain how much of an idiot he was if she was gone?
“Will she be coming back soon?” Mark asked, dreading the answer. This was all his fault.
“She didn’t really say, something about God had made a mistake and she needed to fix it.” Agnus replied. “I thought this was strange because Sarah knows that God doesn’t make mistakes.”
Mark stood up and startled Charles who put down his book quickly.
“What EXACTLY did she say?!” Mark had a bad feeling he knew what Sarah meant.
“What was it?” Agnus asked herself. “Oh yeah, she said God has made a mistake. I need my father’s help to fix it. I can repent for my sins if father helps me. Which I also found strange because father…”
“And you didn’t try to stop her?!” Mark’s tone made Agnus and Charles realize that something was horribly wrong.
Mark turned to leave but Charles had already stepped in his way.
“Don’t make me move you!” Mark yelled at Charles. Charles knew that Mark could move him if he wanted to. Size was not the judge of strength for the Asuune, age and bloodline were far more important.
“It’s not me you have to get by,” Charles said snidely as he stepped out of the way so Mark could see Agnus’s scowling face.
Mark knew he couldn’t take Agnus. Agnus was the daughter of Samael and over five hundred years old. The only one that could make Agnus move was Sarah.
“You had better start explaining!” Agnus was furious.
Mark resigned himself to explaining. He wasn’t getting by Agnus and he couldn’t trick her into moving either. Sarah hadn’t lied about Agnus’s intelligence only stretched the truth a little. Agnus was just a smart as Mark, he had to tell her what he knew.
“I think Sarah is going to have her father kill her to pay for her sins,” Mark began.
“What?! Why?!” Agnus thought she knew some of what was going on but needed Mark to say it so she could be sure.
“She thinks she is the mistake. God is punishing her for all those people she killed by making her love a partner that she can’t have. I think I pushed her over the edge by reminding her of Jen’s death. She feel’s guilty that she couldn’t stop it. She is going to her father to have him kill her. I love her, I don’t care if she has a partner set out for her. I can’t just let her kill herself. And I don’t care if you tell her and she never talks to me again, I can live with that. I couldn’t live with myself if she dies because of something I said.” Mark fidgeted hoping that Agnus would move now but she looked more furious than before.
“You, fucking idiot!” Agnus yelled. Mark couldn’t believe what was coming out of Agnus’s mouth. “You absolutely have to be the most clueless person I have ever met! IT’S YOU!”
“What?” Mark’s urgency fell away.
“She loves you!” Agnus yelled as she walked closer to Mark. “She’s known it was you since she showed up at your wedding rehearsal. She has tortured herself beside you every day for the last twenty years because she thought she deserved it for her sins. And you fucking let her think you didn’t love her?! She left because she decided that you would never love her!”
Mark stood there unsure of what to say. This was wonderful and horrible at the same time. Sarah did love him but she would be dead soon. Mark took a chance, he sprinted at the door and tried to side step Agnus but she took him down like he was a kindergartener. With one quick movement she had him by the chest and against the wall.
“I’m not about to let you go blindly chasing after her only to get you and her both killed!” Agnus turned and then threw Mark across the room. Thankfully he landed in the middle of the floor and didn’t damage a single chair, table or even upset a book. Mark was certain Agnus had planned it that way. She wouldn’t dare destroy any of these priceless texts and he wouldn’t be forgiven if he had damaged any of them. They were probably more important to her than his life, only Charles could overshadow her passion for these books.
“Here is what you are going to do.” Agnus said sternly as she again walked closer to him. “You are going to translate these books like Sarah’s life depends on it and you are going to find a loophole or some kind of holy SOMETHING that can be used against vampires!” Agnus wasn’t speaking with the clarity she usually had. She was very upset with Mark and the anger clouded her judgment as well as her ability to speak. “You ARE going to find something to get my sister out of there. Father won’t kill her, not right away, he will torture her. So you think about THAT while you try to find a way to save her. She is in there, being tortured, because you weren’t smart enough to figure out that she was talking about you!” Agnus clenched her fists and shook them at Mark. She could barely contain her anger. “GET BUSY!” She yelled then walked out and slammed the door behind her.