Page 36 of Curse of the Asuune
Charles turned to Mark, he was clearly upset, but not as much as Agnus.
“You better fix this or no one will be able to save you from her. I’ve never seen her this angry. If Sarah dies, you better run.” Charles then followed his wife.
Mark sat there for a second going over everything. He was Sarah’s chosen, her partner, her one. How was this possible? How had he been so blind that he didn’t see it? She was being tortured and probably going to die because of him. He needed to work fast. He couldn’t sit around wallowing in self-pity. Sarah needed him to find a way to fight the vampires.
Chapter 13
Sarah slowly walked up to the large office building. She looked up at it as she stood at the doorway. Her father sat up there somewhere on the higher floors. Every Asuune knew where to find Samael. Her father didn’t hide like Sariel, he had no reason to hide. He was an Archangel, or at least he had been before he betrayed God. It would take another Archangel to kill him and even if they tried, Samael had been known as the angel of death. He was a formidable warrior. Only three of his brothers, Michael, Lucifer or Gabriel could ever hope to defeat him.
Sarah took a deep breath as she opened the doors. This was what she deserved. God had given her a chance to repent for what she had done and she thought it had worked. Only now did she realize that she needed to do more. She needed to come for judgment and who better than her father, the angel of death, to release her soul for judgement. He would kill her and then God would decide if she belonged in heaven or hell. She just hoped that she had done enough to repent for her vast sins that God could somehow find a way to forgive her.
She made her way up the first few flights of stairs before she encountered any vampires. The humans at the front desk and the ones guarding the stairs to her father’s office had no idea who she really was, they only knew that she was Samael’s daughter. The vampires on the other hand hissed at her and one even swung his sword at her throat, stopping just as it touched her skin.
“I’m here for judgement,” Sarah said as she raised her chin. It didn’t matter who killed her. Her real fate would be decided by God not by them nor her father.
Hearing this the vampires all stepped back. They were not about to be the one to explain to Samael how they had killed his unarmed daughter.
At the top of the stairs Sarah readied herself as she opened the door. This wasn’t going to be pleasant. Her father hated all his disobedient children. Samael wasn’t in league with The Beast as some of his fallen brothers were, but he detested humans. He thought them weak willed and Godless creatures who didn’t deserve his father’s love and he was going to prove it to his father.
Sarah walked across what looked like it had once been a board room. Now it had a blood red carpet that led to a large throne. Sitting on the throne was her father in a business suit. He was a large man, not as large as Charles but at least six foot two. Samael’s human form, the one he had been banished to, did him justice. He looked like a warrior even in human form. His face was hard and leathery, his eyes were silver, cold and uncaring. His hair was long, down the middle of his back, straight and black.
Sarah fell to her knees with her head bowed as she reached the throne.
“Father, I’m here for judgement. My sins are many. I ask that you make it swift so that I might know God’s decision.” Sarah said not raising her eyes even once. She was afraid, very afraid of her father but the fear she felt for God’s decision outweighed this. She didn’t want to go to hell but she was ready to do whatever God wanted. She had given up.
“Ceralin, I never expected to see you again,” Samael spat at her.
“I’m ready for judgement,” Sarah pleaded again.
“Now why would I give you that release? You have killed many humans. Thousands, I would guess. What makes you think you are worthy to even speak to my father, let alone be judged by him. You were given this curse to show you how unworthy you truly are.”
“But father, surely God wishes for us to try and do better. I have done bad things but I have also done good. I just hope that he will see that my sins are outweighed by the work I have done in his name.” Sarah still did not lift her eyes from the floor.
“My duty is to punish pathetic creatures who decide their will is more important than God’s. You may get your judgement eventually but for now you will pay the price for your arrogance.” Samael motioned to one of the guards at a side door in the office. “Take her to a cell.” Samael turned back to his prostrated daughter. “You will remain there until father begins judgement day. Only then will you know your judgement, daughter.”
“NO! Father please!” Sarah begged. “Kill me!” Samael just turned his face away from her, disgusted by her weakness.
“What shall we do to her, Samael?” one of the guards asked.
“Teach her the price for her sins,” Samael ordered.
Tears fell from Sarah’s eyes, she didn’t struggle and she didn’t try to escape. She deserved this and much worse for disappointing God.