Page 42 of Curse of the Asuune
“I think you are misunderstanding your role in this,” Agnus said as she walked over to one of the shelves containing hundreds of books. She searched through a few until she found the one she was looking for.
“And the offspring of Michael shall teach God’s chosen warrior.” Agnus read. “This word right here has many meanings, it can mean teach, assist, train, make. In this context it means teach.” Angus pointed at the ancient word. Mark didn’t recognize the word but he did know the process of contextualizing the ancient languages. Agnus had shown him this so there would be no confusion.
“So I’m a teacher?” Mark was at a loss. He thought he would be ‘God’s chosen warrior’. He couldn’t save Sarah and he couldn’t save the Asuune. He was little more than a mentor to the real chosen warrior.
Agnus looked down at Mark. She felt sorry for him.
“Don’t worry we’ll find Sarah. You are important. You are just not a warrior.” Agnus said, putting her hand on his shoulder. Mark winced from the pain. He sure wasn’t a holy warrior, he hurt all over.
Mark spent the next five years searching for Sarah. She seemed to have disappeared. He moved himself out of the settlement after a month. He couldn’t take the looks of pity and disappointment any longer. He had failed to save Sarah and everyone knew it. Eventually he found a small parish that needed a preacher. He found comfort in teaching others about God, that’s what he was made to do, be a teacher. During his off hours he searched for Sarah, trying to piece together any clues that might lead him to her.
Chapter 17
“That’s my story,” Mark said, looking into Katie’s eyes. “I hope you’re not upset about Sarah. I still love your mother. It’s just…”
“Now why would I be mad about Aunt Sarah? I’ve known there was something between you since I was twelve. Mom and I used to joke about it even. You could have left out the sex parts though. That was a little weird,” Katie interrupted.
“Your mother knew?! And there were no sex parts, well not really. I just wanted you to know how much I care for Sarah, just like I did your mother. I guess I did get a little too descriptive. I just get carried away sometimes.” Mark was embarrassed and guilt-ridden.
“Oh yes, she used to always joke about you having two wives. She said you had a house wife and an office wife. She felt bad for Sarah because the house wife gets all the perks.” Katie laughed.
“But…” Mark didn’t know what to say.
“Dad, I think you and Sarah were the only two people in the whole world that didn’t know,” Katie added.
“So, I guess it’s time to choose,” Mark said bleakly.
“I think I’m going to go back to my normal life, at least for a while,” Katie said and Mark’s face fell. He wanted to know his daughter, but he understood. This life was not for everyone.
“Let me walk you out,” Mark said. He was not going to try and convince Katie to stay. It was her choice. This life was dangerous and it took effort to keep going, especially when the Asuune lost at every turn.
“I’ll help look for Sarah though,” Katie said with an upbeat tone.
“That could be dangerous,” Mark argued.
“I’m an FBI agent. I’ll be fine. And I think I finally found just the right church for me.” Katie smiled at her father.
“I wouldn’t mind seeing you once in a while,” Mark replied. “But we are quite a ways from your house.”
“I’ll transfer, there is an agency office here too.” Sarah put her arm in her Dad’s as they walked toward the door.
Mark stopped suddenly, the stench of a vampire came rushing into the room.
“They’ve found you!” Mark exclaimed but Katie wasn’t scared. Her father was right there, he could protect her.
Mark pulled the short blade from behind his back and readied himself. Slowly the door opened and Mark lowered his blade, he was ready to fight but this vampire was weak, Mark could tell.
“Lord Sariel requests your presence. He is currently in his father’s office waiting for you. He has Sarah and would like to make a deal for your daughter. He won’t hurt her. He just wants to talk to her. Share his side of things. Sarah will be released if you agree. If you fail to show up her life is forfeit.” The weak vampire walked closer to Mark to hear his response. The evil grin on his face made Katie’s skin crawl. Without warning, Katie grabbed the blade from Mark’s hand. Mark watched in awe as Katie looked like some mixture of a ballerina and a martial artist. With one swift upward motion Katie removed the vampires head and stood beside his body as it fell to the ground.
“I’ve changed my mind. Turn me!” Katie exclaimed forcefully.
“But…” Mark was again speechless.
“They have my soon to be step-mom slash aunt. I’m not gonna let them kill her.” Katie rolled up her sleeve and held out her arm. “Turn me!” Katie had such conviction that Mark couldn’t refuse.
Mark bit down on her arm and Katie winced in pain.