Page 43 of Curse of the Asuune
“It’s going to take you a few days to gain any kind of strength. You better head home. I’ll deal with this,” Mark commanded.
“Yeah, right. If Sariel is as strong as you made him out to be, you’re gonna need all the help you can get.” Katie looked up at the pulpit. “I just need to do something first.”
Katie walked along the pews and up to the pulpit where she knelt down.
“God, this is Kathrine Albet. I freely give my mortal life in your service and promise to do your work as long as you see fit. Please give me the strength to help Sarah.” Katie looked up at the ceiling with her hands folded in her lap.
Mark blinked his eyes, did he just see his Katie glow? Maybe it was the lighting? When Katie turned around it was clear that he wasn’t imagining it. Katie’s eyes were glowing with the same yellow light and as she smiled her fangs descended slowly. Her fangs looked much larger than Sarah’s. Sarah’s looked like snake’s fangs while Katie’s were more like a cat or dog, huge! Also smaller fangs began to emerge from her bottom teeth as well. Now she looked nothing like Sarah.
“I think Agnus got the translation wrong,” Katie said. She looked both menacing and comforting at the same time. With her enormous new fangs she looked like a lioness ready to devour anyone that got in her way. “I think the word meant create.”
Mark could barely believe what was happening. Katie was God’s chosen. He and Jen had created God’s servant.
“Are you just gonna stand there all day?” Katie asked slyly. “I have a step-mom to save.”
Katie rushed out the door and Mark hurried to follow her.
Chapter 18
Katie and Mark walked up to the Stallion Entertainment building carefully. It didn’t look like anyone was there. The door was wide open, the glass shattered and the lobby was completely empty. It was after midnight so all the human employees were at home in bed, but they expected some kind of greeting party to be waiting for them.
“This feels wrong,” Mark said nervously.
“Of course, it feels wrong. They want you to trade your daughter for your lover,” Katie said matter-of-factly. “How is any of this right?”
Mark realized that Katie had spent a lot of time with Sarah and Jen as a kid. She sounded just like them. Always with the witty responses and sarcasm. She was her mother’s daughter. Katie even had Jen’s figure, she had more chest than her mother and she was a little more filled out but she looked like a fuller Jen with darker hair.
“You remind me of your mother so much.” Mark couldn’t help it, the words just came spilling out.
“Glad you noticed, now can we get my new step-mom and get the hell out of here?” Katie replied.
Mark took the lead and headed for the stairs. When he opened the door the same smell from last time assaulted his nose.
“Oh, damn! That reeks!” Katie exclaimed.
“You can smell them too?” Mark asked hopefully.
“Yep, and your description didn’t do it justice. Oh that’s bad, that’s really, really bad.” Katie tried to cover her nose but it didn’t help.
“You get used to it after a while but it still smells horrible,” Mark grinned at his daughter with pride. She was just like him. Ok, she was much better than he was, but God’s chosen was his daughter.
“Lead the way,” Katie said with her hand still over her nose. She sounded silly but this was no time for jokes, at least that’s what Mark thought.
“So how many of these stinky bastards do you think are up there?” Katie asked still holding her nose and sounding silly.
“Probably quite a few. I guess Sariel doesn’t do anything small. Or so I’m told,” Mark explained quickly. The truth was, that was about all he knew about Sariel other than he was incredibly strong and very evil.
“Well I picked up a few things from my car, hopefully I can get a sword from one of them,” Katie said pulling a titanium baton from her pocket right before she extended it. The sound made Mark jump and Katie laughed. “We got this.”
“I hope so. I’ve been looking for a long time. I really hope she’s up there,” Mark sounded depressed and Katie knew why.
“Don’t worry, we got this,” Katie said again and put her hand on her dad’s shoulder.
They had reached the twelfth floor. It was time to find out what they were up against. Mark opened the door and slowly walked in with Katie behind him.
Sariel sat on his father’s throne with twenty vampires around it. Sarah was unconscious on the floor in front of him. She looked just like Mark had described to Katie. Sariel had clearly decided to torture Sarah as well.
“What’s with the torturing Sarah thing? Is it some kind of theme?” Katie asked, her strange sense of humor put Sariel a little off guard for a second.
“You must be Katie. I recognize that stupid attempt at humor from your mother and your aunt. We have a lot to discuss.” Sariel sat playing with a dagger. He would stab his finger then watch as the wound healed.
“Ok, that’s kinda creepy, dude,” Katie quipped.