Page 44 of Curse of the Asuune
“What is with all the women in your life? Do they all make these stupid remarks? Is it something about you? Do you bring this out in them?” Sariel was looking at Mark now.
Mark wasn’t sure how to respond. He didn’t know Sariel but Sariel sure seemed to know him.
“Speechless? Yeah, I would be too. Face to face with someone as powerful as me, it might be daunting.” Sariel smiled evilly. “But enough of the pleasantries.”
“That wasn’t pleasant,” Katie replied.
“Fine, whatever.” Sariel was clearly getting annoyed with Katie’s wisecracks. “You can take Sarah and Katie will stay with me to talk. No one will harm any one of you. You have my word.” Sariel lifted his right hand as if his word meant something to them.
“It’s ok, dad. Take Sarah somewhere safe,” Katie said looking at her father with kindness.
“I can’t just leave you alone with him,” Mark objected.
Katie turned so that Sariel couldn’t see her face. Her eyes lit up golden once again.
“I’m never alone,” Katie said. “Take Sarah or this is all for nothing.”
Mark didn’t want to leave but he also wasn’t going to stand there arguing with Katie. Katie was as stubborn as her mother, he wasn’t going to win this argument.
“I’ll be back,” Mark said as she walked by Katie.
“I’ll be done by then,” Katie smirked.
Mark cautiously walked toward Sarah and Katie walked behind him. If Sariel tried anything, Katie would remove his head before anyone could stop her. She would even use his own dagger to do it. She was certain of her abilities, maybe a little too certain.
“See, I’m a man of my word. You can take Sarah and go. Katie will stay and talk, nothing more.” Sariel said.
“We’ll see about that,” Katie said with a grin.
Mark picked up Sarah, she was very weak. He could barely hear her breathe. What had they done to her? Mark’s anger grew and Sariel could see it on his face.
“No, that wasn’t our deal. You take Sarah and go. I talk with Katie. If you stay and fight I’ll make sure Sarah is the first to die.” Sariel was serious. Every vampire in that room must have been instructed to kill Sarah first, they all had swords and they were all looking at Sarah.
“Fine,” Mark said through gritted teeth. “Be careful Katie, he’s lying about something.”
“I’ll be fine, dad. Take Sarah and go. I want to hear what uncle Sariel has to say,” Katie said staring at Sariel. “And if anything happens to my dad or Sarah. You will be the first to die.” Katie pointed at Sariel with her baton.
“That’s fair,” Sariel replied. He wasn’t worried. He doubted a newly turned Asuune would be much of a threat.
When Mark and Sarah were out the door and it was shut behind them Sariel slowly sat back down on the throne. He seemed to be waiting for something, then Katie realized what it was. She could hear her dad walking down the stairs. As soon as he shut the door to the stairwell Sariel spoke.
“Take her,” Sariel commanded.
One vampire rushed her, a younger looking man, he looked about her age. For a second she thought he was kinda cute, a strange thought to have about a vampire, but she couldn’t help it. Something in his eyes, something about the way he moved, she was almost hypnotized by this man. He grabbed her arms but looked very unsure if he really wanted to harm her. Up until the moment he touched her he looked confused but the second his hands touched her arms he looked calm.
“What’s your name?” Katie asked calmly.
“Paul,” the man said with a smile. He wasn’t scared, he seemed more nervous, like a boy asking his first girl to dance. There was something about this man that Katie couldn’t put into words and he was gorgeous.
“Paul, I noticed that you don’t STINK like the rest of them,” Katie said spitefully as she looked around the room. She had the sudden urge to kiss this man. Not a kiss on the cheek, she had an uncontrollable desire to really kiss him. Somehow, in the back of her mind, she knew that it wouldn’t stop at a kiss either. She had never wanted a man so much in her entire life.
Paul didn’t say a word. He just stared into Katie’s eyes, just as hypnotized as she was.
“I give you a choice, let go of my arms, walk out the door and don’t come back. I’ll let you live,” Katie said with anger as she looked around the room again. She needed to quit looking into those deep blue eyes. Was this some kind of hypnosis? Her dad hadn’t said anything about vampires having powers. In fact, he said most of the myths about vampires were just that, myths. Then she found herself fantasizing about running her hands through his long blond hair as she kissed him deeply. She needed to quit thinking like this.
Paul stood there for a second, just as mesmerized as Katie, then he released her arms and casually walked out of the room.
“This is your mess, Sariel, you clean it up,” Paul said with a smirk as he shut the door.
One of the vampires took off to chase him so Katie cracked him in the throat with the baton as he went by. The vampire grasped his throat, unable to breathe and Katie smiled at Sariel.