Page 50 of Curse of the Asuune
“That can’t be the man I met,” Kathrine struggled with the idea that Paul just might be the man Sarah described.
“It gets worse. Azazel recognized me and ordered Paul to kill me. Paul chased me for a mile at least. Eventually Paul caught me, with Azazel not far behind him. Paul and I fought, he got several good hits on me but in the end he made a mistake. He led with the wrong leg while thrusting his blade and I stabbed him through it then I ran, knowing he could no longer keep up. So if this Paul is the same Paul, he is not to be trusted. He is his father’s servant and Azazel is the most cruel of the fallen angels, except for Lucifer.” Sarah finished her story and looked at Kathrine with sorrow.
“It can’t be the same man. The Paul I met was kind and cared for me. He could have killed me, I passed out, but instead he saved me.” Kathrine wanted to believe that it was a different Paul but the picture of him made it clear that it wasn’t. Maybe he had changed, maybe seeing her made him want to be good? Maybe she was fooling herself?
“I really hope it’s not him. This will have to wait. You need a lot of training and a lot of knowledge on vampires. You might eventually find him, but if he was with Sariel, he is a vampire. You need to know how to protect yourself in case it was the Paul I knew. I can’t lose you Katie, your dad wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he lost you. You are very important to us. I know what you’re thinking and you know better,” Sarah scolded “It’s not because God chose you to help us in this war, it’s you. We love you.”
“Ok, I guess you’re right. I do need to know what I’m doing. I mean one vampire got a lucky shot in a very unlucky place and I’m down for the count. I really need some practice fighting with swords. That’s not something you learn in the FBI’s self-defense classes.” Kathrine smiled at Sarah. “And let’s not tell dad about this, please. He’s happy for the first time in a long while. I want him to be happy.”
“Ok, it’ll be our secret. But promise me one thing. Don’t go acting like some naïve school girl, chase after him and get killed, ok?” Sarah added.
“I promise I won’t go chasing after him and get killed,” Kathrine said crossing her heart.
“Ok, I will hold you to that.” Sarah paused for a second and a devious look came across her face. “So, why don’t you come over for supper?” Sarah asked with a smirk.
“What do you mean? I’ll already be there,” Kathrine replied.
“No, this is your house now. So why don’t you come over to our house for supper?” Sarah’s smile was even wider now.
“Ok, I will, as long as dad grills steak,” Kathrine said going along with Sarah.
“You know I want steak,” Sarah added.
“Then I guess we’re having steak. No way dad can refuse both of us.” Kathrine stood up and walked over to Sarah. “Let’s break the news to the old man. He’s making us steak!”
Sarah nodded her head and then headed to the door with Kathrine.
“Shit, I better get some clothes on. Agnus will have an aneurism if she sees me walking down the side walk in this.” Sarah twirled around and then headed back to her bedroom.
The night went well. Sarah, Kathrine and Mark talked most of the night about Jennifer. They all had stories to share and silly anecdotes about Jennifer’s life. There was crying and laughing and tons of hugging. In the end Kathrine excused herself, grabbed her things, which she had very little of and went to Sarah’s house. When she was sure that Sarah and her father were busy she grabbed what she had and headed toward the nearest town. She needed to know if Paul was really her one. She couldn’t stop thinking about him, she remembered how he smelled and the feeling when she looked into his eyes and his touch…how could a simple touch feel so good? She needed to know or she thought she might go crazy. Within a few hours she had made it to a bus stop and bought the next ticket out.
Chapter 21
Kathrine felt bad, she hadn’t exactly lied to Sarah but the deception made her feel guilty. She figured if she didn’t get killed she was keeping her promise. In the end she knew it was a shitty rationalization. She had traveled by bus to a corner a few blocks from where Samael’s office was. Perhaps she could find some clues there and find out where Paul had gone. Maybe he was still nearby.
After hours of searching and a few vampire beheadings she found a vampire that knew about Paul. This vampire, scared for his life, told her everything she needed to know. Paul was working on a dock, strangely enough, in Oregon. He had apparently been there for years, right next to Kathrine while she was staying with her foster parents. How strange that he had been no more than fifty or sixty miles away from her as she struggled with her new life. Kathrine had promised to spare this vampire’s life so in exchange for information so after he finished she let him go with a warning to quit drinking blood or next time she would kill him. She stole a car and in a few hours, she was in Oregon. The vampire had told her that Paul was part of the crew aboard a boat named ‘The Flaming Foal’. A very odd name for a boat but it made for an easy target to track.