Page 51 of Curse of the Asuune
The dock Paul worked at was also easy to find. Kathrine was cautious. She walked by the boat a few times during the day and saw many workers on the huge boat. The only other person she saw besides the vampires was a hooded man in a trench coat that had accidently bumped into her when she was preoccupied by the boat’s inhabitants. The breeze carried their scent like a garbage barge, they were almost all vampires. This was the right boat and Sarah might be right about Paul. Despite this revelation Kathrine needed to know for sure. She hadn’t seen Paul on the boat but a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach told her that he was nearby. In the end Kathrine decided that it was easier to sneak around at night. These were not the vampires of legend. They had no special night powers and they had no way to see in the dark.
When Kathrine came back to the boat it was nearly two in the morning. It looked like most of the vampires were gone or sleeping. The stench was still in the air so some had to be close. Kathrine assumed that many sailors probably slept on the enormous boat. Even so, it was better than walking up to them in broad daylight.
Kathrine crept along between the shipping containers. She had worn all black, even her pants were black this time. She was not going to get caught, she just needed answers. In the event that she was caught she had brought her father’s sword, if you can call a foot long blade a sword. Even though it may have not been a full sword it did have many good qualities. It was titanium for one, so it wouldn’t break. It was also small enough that it didn’t get in the way.
When she neared the boat she noticed only two guards pacing around the deck. This might be easier than she thought, but where was Paul? She still felt him close by, but where was he? She couldn’t go into the boat, that would be a sure fire way to get trapped. Maybe she could find a secluded spot and wait for him to come out?
Slowly Kathrine climbed up the mooring ropes and on to the deck. There were a few boxes scattered here and there, just enough to give her cover while she evaded the guards. Carefully she made her way to the center of the boat but still there was no sign of Paul and no place to really hide for very long. The boat swayed and Kathrine realized, she was not meant to be a sailor. All these abilities and strength and she felt sea sick. How funny was that?
Someone grabbed Kathrine from behind as she knelt trying to calm her stomach. Kathrine instinctively drew her blade and aimed for the man’s throat. Her swing was interrupted midway by Paul’s hand. He grabbed her wrist softly but firmly, he didn’t want to hurt her. Kathrine’s stomach swayed once more but this time it was Paul’s deep blue eyes that were the cause and it felt wonderful.
“I knew I felt you. You shouldn’t be here.” Paul looked at her with kindness.
“Intruder!” One of the guards had come around the corner at the wrong time.
Paul reacted immediately. He threw Kathrine to the ground and grabbed the guard by the throat.
“I’ve been watching her sneak around you for the last five minutes!” Paul yelled.
“I’m sorry, sir.” The guard seemed like he was afraid for his life. Maybe this was the same Paul that Sarah had known.
“Who is it Paul? One of them?” a large and commanding man said from above Kathrine. The man looked important and a good deal like her father had described Samael. He had long white hair, silver cold eyes and his skin looked rough.
“Yes, father. It’s one of the traitors, come to spy on us,” Paul said as he looked down on Kathrine with hatred.
What had happened to his kind face? He now looked like he was going to kill Kathrine and she was afraid.
“Kill her and be done with it!” Azazel commanded.
“I want to have a little fun with her first, see what they know about our operation,” Paul said evilly.
“Good call, torture her first. Just make sure you kill her. Not like that red head you let slip away.” Azazel said spitefully.
“I did not let her go!” Paul yelled at his father. “That girl was well trained. I’ve never fought someone that good.” Paul looked down at Kathrine as he spoke to his father and she could swear that he was trying to tell her something. With his eyes he was looking at her then her sword but Kathrine didn’t quite understand.
Paul walked over to the guard that he had chastised and then put his hand in his jacket pocket.
“Here is what we do to our own kind that betray us.” Paul removed a bottle from his pocket, then put on his gloves before opening it. “You see, not all of the vampire legends are false.” He removed the lid carefully then splashed some on the vampire who screamed in agony as the liquid ate through his skin. “A simple solution of holy water and silver dust. Each on its own does nothing, the combination is considerably painful.” Paul again looked at Kathrine with wide eyes. He was trying to get her to pay attention.
“Fine, torture me, I’ll tell you nothing.” Kathrine was catching on.
As Paul put the bottle away he took off one of his gloves and then when Azazel couldn’t see, he poured a little onto his hand. He looked at Kathrine hoping she would get the hint. Kathrine smiled at him, she couldn’t help it. He wasn’t a vampire and he hadn’t betrayed Sarah. Paul drew his sword and Kathrine jumped for hers. Paul was trying to give her a chance to escape.