Page 112 of Gemini
“You knew what?” I asked.
“I knew that the second she walked in that door, that you’d end up together. I could see it in both of your eyes, she smiled. “And I also knew the entire time you two were holed up in Callie’s room.” She laughed. “I was playing lookout, you just didn’t know it.” My mother winked.
I knew how she felt about Allison, but found that a little disturbing.
“Thanks, Mom…I think.”
“Plus, she has a hickey on her neck that looks like the state of Florida,” Ma laughed and Denise and I joined in.
“You didn’t take off your shirt, did you?” Denise asked. “If she sees it, she’s gonna think you’re a psycho, you know that, right?”
“I was a psycho…for a while, after she left. And no, she hasn’t seen it yet,” I said.
When I emerged from the bathroom in Caleb’s shirt, Allison was in the kitchen with my mother and Denise. The three of them smiled at me in unison and I knew they had been talking about me. The look on Allison’s red face was so sweet and affectionate and I was bursting with love for her, a love I hadn’t even ever professed to her directly. I needed to tell her I loved her as soon as the time felt right.
“Ready to go?” I asked.
Allison hugged my mother and Denise and went to say goodbye to Callie and Caleb who were still outside as the sun was setting.
As we walked hand and hand to the train station, Allison told me all about her trip to Illinois. I didn’t think my feelings for her could get any stronger, but when she told me how she decided to stay there to help Ed during his cancer treatments, my heart just about blew up. I wanted to tell her then and there how much I loved her, but decided to wait.
The story of how she ran into her brother at Amanda’s grave was also unbelievable. If her car hadn’t stalled, she would have never met him. It makes you wonder about how divine intervention plays in our lives.
Once on the train, I led Allison to the very back of the car so we would have the most privacy. As we swayed with the movement of the train, we held each other and kissed the entire ride to her stop. The train car was almost empty, but if there were people watching us, we probably didn’t notice. Thirty minutes felt like three.
After the train ride, while walking to Allison’s house, the skies opened up and rain came pouring down on us. Even though the torrential rain had us soaked from head to toe, we could have cared less and stopped to kiss under the de
luge. It was one of the happiest moments of my life.
We laughed in the rain as we ran all the way to her doorstep. I couldn’t contain my excitement over being alone with her. Allison told me her roommate Sonia was down the Cape for the night with friends, so when we arrived at her house, I dragged her up those stairs so fast, she almost fell.
We were drenched and I hadn’t had sex in months, but it felt like ten years. She was the only woman I wanted from the moment I first laid eyes on her and for a long time, I thought I would only ever be able to experience her again in my dreams and memories. This moment, of being happy here with her like this again, in the same place we first made love, was a dream come true.
Cedric wouldn’t let me come up for air and I loved every second of it. From the moment my apartment door burst open, he pressed his rain-drenched body against mine, then moved to the couch on top of me, kissing me passionately. I wanted him inside of me so badly, I thought I would burst.
He broke from kissing me only long enough to lift off my wet shirt and loosen my bra, throwing it on the floor, as I pulled off my soaked skirt. When he lowered himself back down, I snuck my hands under his shirt to feel the warmth of his bare skin and his tight abs. I started to nudge his shirt to pull it off and he pushed back, breathing heavily.
“Take it off,” I said.
“Wait,” Cedric said as he pulled back and kneeled above me, looking down into my eyes. His hair was wet back from the rain and his face was turning red. “I have to explain something first.”
I crossed my arms over my bare breasts, suddenly cold. “What do you mean?”
He shook his head. “It’s nothing bad. I mean…I hope you don’t see it that way.”
“Ok, now you’re scaring me.”
He bent down to kiss my forehead. “No, no, no, no…don’t be scared…it’s not like that.”
“What, then?”
Cedric took a deep breath. “When you told me not to contact you after you read the letter and then you disappeared, I was really screwed up. I was sure I had lost the one thing that mattered to me most. And to be honest, until you told me you forgave me and missed me earlier today, I was sure that I had lost you forever.”
I blinked rapidly and sat up. “Okay—”