Page 113 of Gemini
He continued. “One night, I had gotten a little drunk and was staring at myself in the mirror at the tattoo I got in memory of Amanda and came up with the bright idea that I wanted another one. So, I walked down to Kenmore Square.”
“You got a tattoo…where is it?”
“That’s the thing…that’s why I had to tell you before you took off my shirt.”
“Ok, let me see it.”
“Promise you won’t think I’m crazy.”
I crossed my heart. “I promise.”
Cedric ran his hands through his hair and sighed. “Because…I was…a little crazy.” He laughed. “But I’m not anymore.”
“Can I see it please?”
“Okay…here goes nothing.”
He lifted his shirt slowly showcasing his beautiful abs and then as he pulled it over his head I saw it.
Oh. My. God.
It was of my initials…in same font as the A.R.T. on his torso, except this tat was higher on his chest over his heart: A.O.A. That wasn’t all though. Underneath the larger letters of my initials, was a scrolling sentence written in small calligraphy that ran across his chest to his underarm. I struggled to see what it read: When I saw you, I fell in love and you smiled because you knew.
I recognized it immediately. “It’s Shakespeare,” I whispered.
“Yeah…an ode to our middle names.”
Words could not describe the amount of love I felt for this man as I rubbed my hand over the words slowly following the path of the sentence.
“It’s beautiful.” I gasped.
“You really like it? It doesn’t freak you out?”
“God, no. I love having a part of me on you permanently. I earned it, dammit,” I said as we both laughed. “And you’re right, Cedric. Our connection has always been so strong, from that first moment. I guess deep down inside, even though you never said the words, I always did know. That’s why I came back.”
He kissed me tenderly and said, “I got this tattoo, because no matter what happened, I never wanted to forget how you made me feel. I’m not the type of guy who can give my heart to someone twice. You are the only woman who has ever claimed it. It’s yours forever, take it or leave it. I love you so much, Allison, more than my life, more than anything.”
My heart just about burst into flames hearing him say the words I had longed to hear for so many months. “I love you too, Cedric.” I pulled him down onto me. “So much,” I said as I held his head to my naked chest.
When he lifted his head to look at me, his eyes were watery. “Sweetheart, thank you for coming back to me,” he said.
I wiped the tears from his eyes and from my own and held his face in my hands and said, “You thought you took something from me, by waiting to tell me the truth. But you actually gave me the greatest gift: the opportunity to experience what true love was. Your finding me not only gave me you, but Callie, the Thompsons and now my brother. It’s all because of you, Cedric. Because of you, I am not alone anymore.”
As soon as the words came out of my mouth, they seemed to ignite something inside him. Cedric kissed me so hard I thought my mouth might fall off and I could feel his pounding heart on my chest.
His hands trembled with need as he pulled my underwear down. His jeans weren’t even all the way off when he suddenly plunged into me, moaning into my mouth on impact. I gasped upon the initial burn and almost immediate intense pleasure that followed as he kissed me hungrily, while pushing into me repeatedly deep and hard.
“I fucking love you so much, he whispered over my mouth as he moved inside me. “You have no clue…”
“Oh, God. Deeper, Cedric. I want you deeper.” My fingernails dug into his back as I pushed him into me.
“I can’t get enough of you…can’t get deep enough. I love you…I love you…I love you,” he said hoarsely over my mouth.
We were still connected when Cedric flipped us over swiftly continuing to pound into me while squeezing my breasts hard. He looked intensely into my eyes while I grinded my hips on top of him for several minutes as his eyes seared into mine, never looking away.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as the intensity of what I was experiencing with him overwhelmed me.
His hands moved down to my hips guiding the motions to push himself deeper into me.